Lecce - 10.12.2012 - ERC-2012-StG-POLAFLOW Kick off meeting - Lecce
The kick-off meeting of the ERC POLAFLOW - Polariton condensates: from fundamental physics to quantum based devices will take place in Lecce at CNR NANO NNL Center on Dec 13-14, 2012 under the coordination of Daniele Sanvitto, the Principal Investigator of the project. On the agenda, the presentation of the activities of the main groups forming the international team of the project (from CNR NANO NNL Center, the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (E) and the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (GR)) and the discussion of the objectives of the project. The POLAFLOW project aims at developing the polariton physics in a controlled environment, in particular moving from the investigation of the quantum phases of matter and the quantum phenomena that have been discovered in the last few years (BEC, out-of-equilibrium condensation, superfluidity, quantum vortices, multistability, etc.), and at implementing prototypical devices powered by polariton fluids.



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