MaX meeting in Trieste Jan. 10-11, 2017  

Modena - 04.01.2017 - MaX meeting in Trieste Jan. 10-11, 2017
New materials are our gateway to technology. From airplanes to X rays, from smartphones to servers to access the web, everything we use daily has something to do with new materials. It has always been so: the leading material of an era’s technology has always named the ages in homo sapiens’s history, i.e. Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age. Nowadays, we live in the silicon era and have found a new way of designing new materials: the so-called “in silico” experiments. We know the microscopic properties of matter so well now that we are able to design new materials by way of computer simulation, and therefore our research efforts can be faster, more effective and economical.

These scenarios will be at the centre of the upcoming MaX meeting, that will take place in Trieste at Sissa on Jan. 10-11, 2017. MaX is the European Centre of Excellence focused on the new technologies employed for the “in silico” approach to research on materials. MaX is coordinated by Cnr Nano in Modena and its partners are among the most important research and computing European Centres.

Most of MaX partners and scientists will be involved in several related activities in Trieste in these weeks:
- A Quantum Espresso developers’ meeting @ ICTP (9/1/2017) Webpage
- The 18th International Workshop on Computational Physics and Materials Science: Total Energy and Force Methods @ ICTP (12-14/01/2017) Webpage
- An Advanced Workshop on High-Performance & High-Throughput Materials Simulations using Quantum ESPRESSO @ ICTP (16-27/01/2017) Webpage



People Elisa Molinari


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