MOLARMEET 2016 International Conference in Lecce  

Lecce - 06.09.2016 - 10.09.2016 MOLARMEET 2016 International Conference in Lecce
The event will consist of a Scientific Workshop in the days 6-9 September and a special session on Memristor materials, devices, circuits, and systems: from theory to application in the days 9-10 September 2016.

Supra-molecular assembly consists in the self-organization of components generating super-structures or patterns at any scale. At the local nanometer level, the molecular self-assembly reflects the information encoded in individual molecules such as charge, polarizability, shape etc. while on a larger scale it expresses the features of the involved supramolecular interactions, e.g. van der Waals, hydrogen bonds, covalent or ionic bonds. The intricate interplay between non-aggregated and aggregated states leads to ordered nanostructures, providing a number of interesting global properties. These functional properties of self-assembled nanomaterials are nowadays well understood and controlled in a wide range of applications involving information technologies, biomedical sciences, and environmental sciences. The goal of the Workshop is to illustrate the current evolution and the next challenges of this fascinating and promising research field from fundamentals (Sections: /Molecular Building block, Self Assembly, and Theoretical Modeling and Computation/) to applied research (Sections:/Single molecules Devices and Experiments, Novel Functional Materials, Molecular Nano-devices/). MOLARMEET 2016 will represent an opportunity for young researchers who want to get an idea of the current trends related to supra-molecular assembly, as well as for experts scientists who want to exploit and investigate a particular field of application. The Workshop will be a few days of inspiring discussions and round tables which should promote intense scientific collaborations and favor great social occasions. The workshop, promoted by the EU-funded research project MolArNet (, aims at bringing together the international research communities from various scientific disciplines, including physics, chemistry, biology and materials science to discuss the role of research and development in the field of supra-molecular assembly for the future of computation and functional nano-molecular devices. ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE: April 30, 2016



People Rosaria Rinaldi


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