IN THE MEDIA: Our Andrea Camposeo interviewed @ Radio24  

Pisa - 26.06.2019 - IN THE MEDIA: Our Andrea Camposeo interviewed @ Radio24
Cnr NANO researcher Camposeo comments on Radio24, the researcht published in the journal Science Advances, by the University of Cambridge ‘Scalable electrochromic nanopixels using plasmonics.’ UK scientists created the smallest pixels ever, by coating nanoparticles of gold with an active polymer and then spraying them onto flexible mirror-coated plastic. Tha active polymer changes chemically when electrically switched, causing the pixel to change colour across the spectrum.
Camposeo research activities include the development of optically-active micro- and nanostructures, the 3D printing for photonic applications, the development of advanced imaging and optical methods for organic photo-active materials, and the investigation of the optical properties of light-emitting polymers, composites, nanofibers, and of organic-based light-emitting devices.

Listen to Camposeo interview - SmartCity broadcast audio file - at the link below:



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