S3 SEMINAR Laura Zoppi

Foto: Laura Zoppi [courtesy of Nature Communications]


Modena - 03.12.2018 - S3 SEMINAR Laura Zoppi
Date and Time: Monday December 3, 2018 - 11.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department

Speaker: Laura Zoppi
Nature Research, Springer Nature, Berlin, Germany

Title: Publishing in Nature Research journals

Abstract:Publishing your work in an influential journal begins with good research, but there is much more to it. This talk aims to demystify the editorial process at Nature Research journals, including Nature, Nature Chemistry, Nature Materials and Nature Communications. What takes a paper from new submission to accepted article? We will discuss what our editors look for in potential papers — and how best to communicate your work to the editor and reviewers to ensure the point gets across — and walk through all stages of the peer review process, from how editors select referees, to how we make decisions from a set of reports. You will also learn the keys to fashioning a convincing response letter and putting together a successful appeal.
Laura Zoppi is an associate editor at Nature Communications, where she handles content covering computational material science, computational chemistry and machine learning areas.

Host: Massimo Rontani


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