Nano scientists ready to gather in Pisa

Foto: Group picture from the 2nd nanoMeeting (Modena 2013)


Pisa Modena - 08.10.2018 - Nano scientists ready to gather in Pisa
The researchers of the CNR Nanoscience Institute will meet for the 3rd NanoMeeting in Pisa on October 29-30, 2018 in the Sala Azzurra of the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa.
The meeting will offer the Institute researchers the chance of meeting and discuss their scientific results and interests and hopefully build and strengthen collaborations. The rich program (22 oral presentations, 45 posters, and a focus on the technology transfer) has been thought to push the work if younger scientists, such as the Institute SEED recipients and the soon-to-be permanent researchers.
*** See the complete program here.
***Updates and info available in the dedicated web page.


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