ESP 2017 announced.  

Pisa - 21.03.2017 - ESP 2017 announced.
The 17th congress of the European society for photobiology will be held in Pisa on 4-8/09/2017 under the aegis of Cnr, Pisa Cnr Campus and Pisa University and municipality.
The meeting, structured in keynote lectures, symposia and poster presentations, will provide an important forum for the dissemination of new research and technological development in the science of photobiology. This transdisciplinary field encompasses scientific, technological and medical aspects, and impacts the civil society, through dealing with light-driven processes related to, for instance, disease diagnosis and treatment using light, photodynamic therapy, DNA damage and repair, photodermatology, environmental safety, photoecology, climate change, UV effects on plants, crop production, photosynthesis, phototechnology.
In order to encourage the active participation of young scientists in the congress programme, there is a substantial fellowship scheme being launched.




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