Single Molecule Device realized by CNR Nano researchers using graphene electrodes



Modena - 23.12.2016 - Single Molecule Device realized by CNR Nano researchers using graphene electrodes
A team made by CNR Nano researchers (Lumetti, Candini and Affronte) and colleagues has recently realized a single molecule device made of a magnetic molecule contacted by graphene electrodes. The use of graphene electrodes in single molecule electronics is considered a promising alternative to the traditionally used metals, such as gold. Graphene based molecular junctions are stable even at room temperature and above, and graphene – molecule contacts are expected to boost the conductance in molecular devices. In this work, the first graphene junction with a single molecule magnet has been demonstrated. Devices made of a single magnetic molecule, the so-called single spin transistor, are an effective way to address and control individual molecular spins and are considered promising in the field of quantum technologies. These results earned the cover of the thematic issue on “Molecular Spintronics: the role of Coordination Chemistry” published by the journal Dalton Transactions.




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