SINFO Workshop + exhibition  

Pisa Lecce Modena - 24.06.2016 - SINFO Workshop + exhibition
The 3rd edition of the scientific workshop 'Surfaces, Interfaces and Functionalization Processes in Organic Compounds and Applications' (SINFO), will take place at the University Federico II of Naples on June 27th to 29th .
The workshop, organized by the National Research Council (Cnr-Imem, Cnr-Imm, Cnr-Ism, Cnr-Iom, Cnr-Nano, Cnr-Spin, Cnr-Ismn), will be attended by internationally renowned scientists and it represents an important opportunity to share the latest information and ideas on the properties of organic semiconductors at interfaces, hybrid systems and bio-functionalized surfaces as well as their future applications and implementation into working devices.

The workshop will also be the occasion for the launch of the new exhibition "ELETTRONICA DI PLASTICA", dedicated to bioelectronics, biosensing, electro-optical systems, energy conversion, advanced electronic devices and circuits. The exhibition, designed and implemented by CNR, is a fascinating journey between art and technology; it will be inaugurated Monday, June 27 at 20.00 in the museum Plart Foundation in Naples (Via G. Martucci 48) and will be open to the public from June 28th to July 9th, 2016.

SINFO website.
The workshop flyer can be downloaded here
The exhibition flyer can be downloaded here.




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