PRACE DIGEST features Valentina Tozzini  

Pisa - 08.10.2015 - PRACE DIGEST features Valentina Tozzini's research on graphene
As graphene continues to prove itself as the wonder-material of modern science, research by CnrNANO reseracher Valentina Tozzini grapples with its remarkable properties that could one day see it revolutionise the field of hydrogen storage. The PRACE DIGEST featured article "Ripple effect: controlling hydrogen binding to corrugated graphene" reports on Tozzini's work on hydrogen storage that looks to exploit the huge surface-to-mass ratio resulting from graphene's unique 2D monolayer structure.
Read the full article HERE .

The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) is an international non-profit association. The PRACE Research Infrastructure provides a persistent world-class high performance computing service for scientists and researchers from academia and industry in Europe. The 2015 publication PRACE DIGEST is a special issue dedicated to Women in HPC.

Info valentina.tozzini@nano.cnr .it



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