Protective equipment donation to support the COVID19 emergency  

Pisa - 26.03.2020 - Protective equipment donation to support the COVID19 emergency
With a joint action the Cnr Nanoscience Institute and the Scuola Normale Superiore through the NEST Laboratory, decided to donate their "personal protective equipment" (PPE) to support the COVID- 19 health emergency. The donation was made to the Gabriele Monasterio Foundation which will send the material to the hospital in Pisa, the one inside the CNR Research Area, and the one in Massa (Ospedale del Cuore "G. Pasquinucci"), and to other hospitals in the Tuscany region. The donated material consists of a series of devices to protect the health of health workers and patients such as masks, gloves, overshoes and disposable coveralls
The researchers who work in the NEST laboratories in fact operate with nanometric dimensions materials (a size similar to that of the virus) and in their clean room they use personal protective equipment during some delicate phases of nanofabrication processes. These PPE are the same that can allow health professionals who have to treat COVID-19 patients to protect themselves in the easiest possible working conditions.
In detail the donated material includes 600 FFP3 masks, 1900 coveralls, 86,000 gloves, 20 safety goggles, 20 face shields , 10,000 shoe covers and 10,000 protective caps.


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