02.12.2021NANO COLLOQUIA S3 Avinash Vikatakavi
Date and Time: December 2, 2021 - 15.00 ONLINE
25.11.2021Producing electricity from heat losses: engineered in Pisa the first device capable of achieving it in a controlled manner
It is now possible to create a new generation of “smart” thermoelectric systems to generate clea...
23.11.2021il progetto RIMMEL @ MECSPE - Bologna 2021
Si svolgerà martedì 23 novembre, dalle 16.45 alle 17.45 (Sala Concerto c/o Centro Servizi – Bolo...
19.11.2021Graphene as a solid lubricant becomes super-slippery
Cnr Nano researchers in collaboration with Sussex University and Rice University studied the frictio...
17.11.2021International Workshop on Advanced Materials-to-Device Solutions for Synaptic Electronics
CNR Nano and ICN2 organized the
03.11.2021The RIMMEL Project @ l'Europa è qui 2021 – VOTE THE VIDEO ONLINE
The RIMMEL project enters the “Europe is here ...
11.10.2021Quantum computers become an experimental physics laboratory
A quantum computer is a machine designed to do calculations. Now a group of physicists from CnrNano,...
05.10.20212021 Nobel Prize for the discoveries on TRPV1 and PIEZO receptors
The seminal discoveries by this year’s Nobel Laureates have explained how heat, cold and touch can...
- 04.03.2020 - Excitonic and topological order in T'-MoS2In an article just published on Nature Nanotechnology, our researchers Daniele Varsano, Elisa Molinari, and Massimo Rontani, in collaboration with Maurizia Palummo of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, studied the topological insulator MoS2, using advanced theoretical-computational methodologies based on quantum mechanics. By combining calculations from first principles with a self-consistent mean-field model, researchers showed that in the paradigmatic case of monolayer T' MoS2 the electronic dynamics in this material is more complex because the topological insulator also is an excitonic insulator. Researchers have shown that topological and excitonic properties coexist in a certain temperature and pressure range. They also showed how the electronic properties of MoS2 can be controlled through parameters such as temperature, pressure, or the presence of a substrate, making this results particularly interesting for the design of future nanoelectronics devices. The many-body perturbation theory calculations of the study were performed thanks to MaX CoE and PRACE. A monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenide as a topological excitonic insulator, Varsano, D., Palummo, M., Molinari, E. & Rontani M. Nature Nanotechnology (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41565-020-0650-4 A free to read version can be found here: https://rdcu.be/b2phR