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Barbara Storti

CNR Researcher

tel. +39 050 508417

fax +39 050 509417

barbara.stortinano.cnr .it

Running projects

- Development of a nanoscopy-correlation spectroscopy multiplex technique to follow intracellular dynamics
- Development of new photochromic fluorescent protein mutants for nanoscopy applications
- Study of oncomarker distribution and concentration int tumor tissues and in physiological condition with fluorescence microscopy
- Development of novel fluorescent probes to monitor cell membrane order and polarity

Research interests

Study of biological soft-matter and living cells, including:
- Design, preparation and physicochemical / spectroscopic characterization of fluorescent probes based on fluorescent proteins
- Physicochemical / spectroscopic characterization of fluorescent probes based on organic and bio-rganic compounds
- Development of new imaging strategies for fluorescence microscopy

Selected publications

- Storti B, Margheritis E, Abbandonato G, Domenichini G, Dreier J, Testa I, Garau G, Nifosì R, Bizzarri R, 2018. Role of Gln222 in Photoswitching of Aequorea Fluorescent Proteins: A Twisting and H-Bonding Affair? ACS chemical biology, vol 13, p. 2082-2093, doi: 10.1021/acschembio.8b00267

- Abbandonato, G., Storti B., Signore, G., Beltram, F., Bizzarri, R., 2016 “Quantitative optical lock-in detection for quantitative imaging of switchable and non-switchable components” Micros. Res. Tech. in press, DOI 10.1002/jemt.22724

- Storti, B., Di Rienzo, C., Cardarelli, F., Bizzarri, R., Beltram, F. 2015 “Unveiling TRPV1 spatio-temporal correlation in live cell membranes” PlosONE 10(3), e0116900.


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