Research interests
Nanofabrication (e-beam and UV lithography), nanocharacterization (SEM, optical and stylus profilometry, AFM); scanning probe microscopy (SPM); polymer science; 2D materials(Graphene,WS2).
Biographical sketch
My research activity results focused on scanning probe microscopy, nanocharacterization and nanolithography. More in detail, I'm actually involved in characterization of 2D materials like graphene and WS2 nanocrystals, employing scanning probe based techniques like atomic force microscopy in contact, tapping and peak-force modes, in order to have
information about their structural, mechanical and electrical properties at the nanoscale. For the mechanical properties, I have worked by using two innovative techniques like ultrasonic force microscopy and quantitative nano mechanics in order to have information about stiffness, adhesion, dissipation, Young's module and topography of those 2D crystals at
the nanometer scale. Moreover, I'm also involved in research activity on nanofabrication, in particular for e-beam and SPM-based techniques. Finally, I'm the chief operating officer (COO) of Laboratorio NEST at Scuola Normale Superiore.
NEST, the National Enterprise for nanoScience and nanoTechnology, is an interdisciplinary research and training centre where physicists, chemists and biologists investigate scientific issues at the nanoscale. This knowledge is exploited to develop innovative nanobiotechnological tools, nanoelectronic and photonic devices and architectures. Our state of the
art facilities allows NEST scientists to address a rather broad range of research activities that span from semiconductor/superconductor nanostructure design to growth of 1D/2D nanostructures.
Selected publications
Mario D'Acunto e Pasqualantonio Pingue, Novel Polymers and Nanopatterning, "Nanotechnological applications of novel polymers" book, Mohsen Adeli Eds, Transworld Research Network, ISBN: 978-81-7895-412-7 Chapter 7, (2009).
F. Dinelli, C. Menozzi, P. Baschieri, P. Facci and P. Pingue, Scanning probe nanoimprint lithography, Nanotech-nology
21, pag. 075305 (2010).
P. Pingue, “Scanning Probe Based Nanolithography and Nanomanipulation on Graphene”, Chapter on “Tip-Based Nanofabrication: Fundamentals and Applications”, by Ampere A. Tseng, Springer (2011).
S. Goler, V. Piazza, S. Roddaro, V. Pellegrini, F. Beltram, and P. Pingue, Self-assembly and electron-beam-induced direct etching of suspended graphene nanostructures, J. of. Appl. Phys., 110, 064308 (2011).
S. Goler, C. Coletti, V. Piazza, P. Pingue, F. Colangelo, V. Pellegrini, K. V. Emtsev, S. Forti, U. Starke, F. Beltram, S. Heun, Revealing the atomic structure of the buffer layer between SiC(0001) and epitaxial graphene, Carbon 51, 249 (2013)
Francesco Colangelo, Vincenzo Piazza, Camilla Coletti, Stefano Roddaro, Fabio Beltram and Pasqualantonio Pingue, Local anodic oxidation on hydrogen intercalated-graphene layers: oxide composition analysis and role of the silicon carbide substrate” Nanotechnology 28, 105709 (2017);
Francesco Colangelo, Alessandro Pitanti, Vaidotas Mišeikis, Camilla Coletti, Pasqualantonio Pingue, Dario Pisignano, Fabio Beltram, Alessandro Tredicucci, Stefano Roddaro, “Stretching graphene using polymeric micro-muscles”, 2D Mater. 5 045032 (2018).
Fabian Meder, Indrek Must, Ali Sadeghi, Alessio Mondini, Carlo Filippeschi, Lucia Beccai, Virgilio Mattoli, Pasqualantonio Pingue, and Barbara Mazzolai “Energy Conversion at the Cuticle of Liv-ing Plants”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 1806689 (2018).