CECAM School  

Modena - 12.01.2015 - CECAM School
The school Excitations in Realistic Materials using Yambo on Massively Parallel Architectures will take place from April 13 to April 17, 2015 at the CECAM headquarters in Lausanne (Switzerland).
The application deadline is on February 27, 2015.

This 5-day hands-on tutorial will provide training in the theory and practice of computing electronic and optical excitations within density functional and Green’s function approaches (GW, TDDFT and BSE). Lectures will also focus on the application of these techniques to the study of realistic and challenging systems using the Yambo code within a massively-parallel environment.

Yambo is a powerful, open-source ab-initio code interfaced with several DFT packages (including Abinit and quantum-ESPRESSO). This tutorial will mark the release of a completely new version of Yambo which is thought for massively-parallel, distributed memory computing architectures following the current trends in high-performance computing.

The new features require specially skilled users in order to boost the code performance and efficiently obtain accurate results for large, realistic systems. Our goal is to thus equip students with the fundamental knowledge, practical skills and computational tools needed to tackle today’s challenging problems in materials science.

Lectures on the foundations of the theoretical methods will be complemented by technical ones on numerical and computational aspects. A significant part of the school will be dedicated to hands-on tutorials, where participants will be given the opportunity to carry out excited state calculations on several paradigmatic systems under the guidance of the Yambo code developers themselves.

The number of participants will be limited to approx. 30.
The organization will partially cover living expenses of the participants.
Acceptance decisions will be made within 1 week after the deadline on the basis of motivations and CV provided at the moment of application.

Daniele Varsano and Andrea Ferretti
for the Yambo Team




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