- 02.12.2021 -
NANO COLLOQUIA S3 Avinash Vikatakavi
Date and Time: December 2, 2021 - 15.00
Speaker: Avinash Vikatakavi - CNR Nano S3 and Unimore
Title: A study on the surface reactivity of modified CeO2 ultra-thin films towards H2 dissociation
Fuel cells are promising candidates for future power sources; especially low-temperature fuel cells
such as proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) and dir [more]
- 23.11.2021 -
il progetto RIMMEL @ MECSPE - Bologna 2021 Si svolgerà martedì 23 novembre, dalle 16.45 alle 17.45 (Sala Concerto c/o Centro Servizi – Bologna Fiere), a Bologna all’interno del salone MECSPE 2021 per l’industria manifatturiera, il convegno “Rivestimenti tribologici e anticorrosivi per componenti in acciaio e leghe di alluminio fabbricati con manifattura additiva: il progetto RIMMEL“, organizzato da Associazione Meccanica con il supporto tecnico di Fondazione Democenter e la partecipaz [more]
Foto: Morphological map of the textured silicon substrate with and without graphene coating and friction map measured with the friction force microscopy technique |
- 19.11.2021 -
Graphene as a solid lubricant becomes super-slippery Cnr Nano researchers in collaboration with Sussex University and Rice University studied the frictional properties of graphene, deposited on micro and nano-textured silicon surfaces. Results could be relevant to improve the performance of nano and microelectromechanical systems
Thanks to its extreme smoothness and high mechanical resistance, graphene thin films are of great interest in the field of micro- and nano-mechanics, where nanostructured devices are often susceptible to cond [more]
Link https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/smll.202104487 |
- 10.11.2021 -
International Workshop on Advanced Materials-to-Device Solutions for Synaptic Electronics
We are happy to announce the launch of the International Workshop on Advanced Materials-to-Device Solutions for Synaptic Electronics - November 10-12, 2021 - hybrid format (both in Barcelona and online).
The workshop aims at connecting academic research, R&D labs, and industry on the theme of synaptic electronics and neuromorphic computing, with a specific focus on the role of materials on the efficiency and design of next-generation devices, such as volat [more]
- 03.11.2021 -
The RIMMEL Project @ l'Europa è qui 2021 – VOTE THE VIDEO ONLINE
The RIMMEL project enters the “Europe is here 2021” contest by the Emilia-Romagna Region with a short video. The contest is open to the beneficiaries of the regional EU funded projects and it aims at making them protagonists in communicating the European contribution, the results achieved, and highlighting the concrete benefits for people and territories obtained thanks to Europe.
The short video tells about the RIMMEL proje [more]
- 26.10.2021 -
Caffe Scienza 2021
Torna CAFFÈ SCIENZA - Insolite chiacchiere da bar - l'iniziativa di Unimore che vede tra i suoi protagonisti anche l'Istituto Nanoscienze del CNR.
10 incontri informali, dal 21 settembre al 7 dicembre 2021, ogni martedì dalle 19.00 alle 20.30 presso il Caffè Concerto di Modena, per discutere di un tema scientifico rilevante, in un ambiente piacevole e in compagnia di esperti dell’argomento, che esporranno il tema e guideranno la discussione.
Prendete posto, mettet [more]
Foto: Representation of a quantum algorithm used in the experiment. These diagrams can be read from left to right: each line represents a qubit and the blocks are the operations on it; the double line represents a classic bit in which to write the final results |
Foto: FRET measurements on cells expressing TRPV1-YFP and RFP-tubulin |
- 05.10.2021 -
2021 Nobel Prize for the discoveries on TRPV1 and PIEZO receptors The seminal discoveries by this year’s Nobel Laureates have explained how heat, cold and touch can initiate signals in our nervous system. Professors David Julius and Ardem Petapoutian won the 2021 prize for Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of TRPV1, TRPM8 and Piezo ion channels. These breakthrough discoveries launched intense research activities focused on understanding their functions in a variety of physiological processes. At clinical level that discovery helped redesigning stra [more]
- 28.09.2021 -
Jacopo Fregoni awarded with the “Premio Primo Levi 2020” Congratulations to Jacopo Fregoni on being awarded with the “Premio Primo Levi 2020” by the Italian Chemical Society! The Primo Levi prize is yearly awarded by the “Gruppo Giovani” of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) for the best scientific work in the field of Chemical Sciences, produced by an under-35 scientist affiliated to an Italian university.
Jacopo recieved the prize for his contribution: Strong coupling with light enhances the photoisomerization quantum yield of az [more]
Link https://twitter.com/SciGiovani/status/1440609316361355264 |
- 23.09.2021 -
CnrNano participates in the European Researchers’ Night We're ready! CnrNano responds to the call from the European Commission regarding the Researchers' Night, which this year will take place in 29 countries on Friday 24 September 2021. The European Researchers' Night is a Europe-wide public event, which displays the diversity of science and its impact on citizens' daily lives in fun, inspiring ways.
Both units of CnrNano will join the event, contributing to the local initiatives in the city center of Modena and Pisa with presentations a [more]
Foto: SEM image of an electronic Mach–Zehnder interferometer |
- 21.09.2021 -
Anyons in quantum Hall interferometry The review article "Anyons in quantum Hall interferometry" has just been published on the journal Nature Reviews Physics. In the paper, written by our scientists Lucia Sorba, Stefan Heun and Luca Chirolli together with Matteo Carrega (Cnr-Spin), reserachers foucs their attention on anyons, emergent quasiparticles that are neither bosons nor fermions and possess fractional statistics. Their detection and manipulation represent key milestones in view of topologically protected quantum computation [more]
Link https://rdcu.be/cxEUr |
Foto: Miriam Vitiello in the THz photonic lab at NEST (Pisa) |
- 14.09.2021 -
Miriam Serena Vitiello awarded with the Friedel-Volterra Prize CnrNano researcher Miriam Serena Vitiello was awarded the Friedel-Volterra Prize by the Italian Physical Society (SIF) and the French Physics Society (SFP). The prize is awarded annually to a physicist active in the Italian-French collaboration in recognition of relevant achievements of his work over the past 10 years.
According to the jury that announced the award on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the 107th National Congress, on 13 September, Vitello was awarded the award "f [more]
Link https://www.sif.it/attivita/congresso/107/premiati |
- 01.09.2021 -
Q-SORT Conference: Science and Applications of Coherent Electron Beam Manipulation
The Science and Applications of coherent electron beam manipulation Conference will be held online between 01 and 03 September 2021.
It will address key concepts in advanced electron microscopy research, including electron coherence, electron phase control and holography, magnetic contributions to electron optical phase images, light-electron interactions, and phase plates for imaging and beam shaping.
The conference aims to stimulate new ideas and to faci [more]
- 05.08.2021 -
Nanotechnologies and AI for precision oenology VIOLoC is the project born from a collaboration between the University of Pisa, CnrNano and the University of Tuscia with the aim of starting a technological revolution in the world of wine and oil analytics thanks to the development and application of microfluidimetric type micro-sensors for the analysis of polyphenols in wine and oil.
The technological core of VIOLoC lies in a micron-sized chip lab-on-a-chip with remote connectivity (clouding). The new lab-on-a-chip based on microfl [more]
Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoHRbXE6rUg |
- 03.08.2021 -
Nano COLLOQUIA 2021 Second Semester
A new series of Nano Colloquia is ready.
The researchers are preparing their presentations for the second semester 2021.
They will share with the colleagues the results and the achievements of the work performed, they will discuss new perspectives and define future aims.
8 seminars are scheduled from September to December.
8 researchers involved.
A single team exploring the Nano topics![more]
- 09.07.2021 -
Nano-convertitori ottici ultraveloci comandati dalla luce Progettata e realizzata una nanoantenna di dimensioni inferiori al millesimo di millimetro in grado di trasformare il colore della luce, controllabile attraverso la luce stessa. Il lavoro apre la strada allo sviluppo di nuovi dispositivi ottici miniaturizzati operanti ad altissima velocità, per applicazioni nel campo delle telecomunicazioni e non solo. Lo studio degli istituti Nano e Ifn del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche e del Politecnico di Milano pubblicato su ACS Nano.
[Leg [more]
- 21.06.2021 -
WORKSHOP: Excitonic and competing orders in low-dimensional materials
In the last twelve months, the field of the excitonic insulator has moved extremely fast.
This research has its origin in a heretic prediction formulated more than 50 years ago by a group of visionary physicists, including Leonid Keldysh and Walter Kohn [1-3]: If a narrow-gap semiconductor, or a semimetal with slightly overlapping conduction and valence bands, failed to fully screen its intrinsic charge carriers, then excitons---electron-hole pairs bound together by Coulomb attracti [more]
Link https://www.cecam.org/workshop-details/21 |
- 16.06.2021 -
RIMMEL a R2B OnAir - 16 giugno 2021 - online
Mercoledì 16 giugno dalle ore 12.00 alle 13.00 si svolgerà il workshop “Industria 4.0: sistemi manifatturieri avanzati grazie al digitale e ai dati” all’interno dell’iniziativa “Inside Research” di R2B OnAir 2021 promossa da Art-ER , per presentare le più recenti soluzioni e tecnologie innovative sviluppate da centri di ricerca, tecnopoli e imprese della Regione Emilia [more]
- 11.06.2021 -
CnrNano su Rai Scuola "Quando si dice un futuro luminoso". Si conclude così il terzo episodio di STEM di Rai Cultura che ha tra i protagonisti anche le ricerche di CnrNano sui materiali intelligenti, condotte da Luana Persano.
STEM-prgetto scienza è il programma di informazione e approfondimento scientifico di @RaiCultura condotto dal divulgatore Davide Coero Borga, che incontra alcuni tra i maggiori esperti del mondo della ricerca e dell'innovazione scientifica per mostrare dal vivo cosa la scienza e la tecnol [more]
Link https://www.raiplay.it/video/2021/06/Stem---pt3-03058383-c7bc-47ce-a1f4-2bab921d3e56.html |
Foto: One of the earlier MEMS prototypes of a spiral phase plate (by Q-SORT project) |
- 08.06.2021 -
MINEON project ready to start On 8 June 2021 the CnrNANO institute in Modena will host the MINEON Kick-off Meeting for the official launch and first-ever public presentation of the MINEON Project. Funded by the European Commission under its highly competitive Future and Emerging Technologies Programme (FET) - Innovation Launchpad, the project will run for 8 months starting on 1 June 2021.
The Kick-off event - which is organised by CnrNANO and supported by https://meet.google.com/qax-mddz-jzq
Speaker: Prof Giovanni Maria Vanacore - University of Milano Bicocca
Title: Ultrafast coherent manipulation of a free-electron wave function via electron-light quantum interaction
Abstract: The interactio [more]
- 10.05.2021 -
Hyperbolic Metamaterials on the cover The recent paper by Arrigo Calzolari and Alessandra Catellani "Hyperbolic Metamaterials with Extreme Mechanical Hardness" hits the cover of the latest issue of Advanced Optical Materials (May 5, 2021, Volume 9, Issue 9).
Arrigo Calzolari toghether with Alessandra Catellani from CnrNano, Marco Buongiorno Nardelli from University of North Texas and Marco Fornari from Central Michigan University, explored a large class of layered materials with hyperbolic optical activity in the near-infrar [more]
Link https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adom.202170031 |
- 05.05.2021 -
FIM-S3 SEMINAR - Dr Giacomo Mazza Date and Time: Wednesday May 5th, 16:00
Link (Google Meet): https://meet.google.com/yud-upbp-mno
Speaker: Dr Giacomo Mazza - University of Geneva (Switzerland)
Title: Excitonic order and structural transition in Ta2NiSe5
The so-called excitonic insulator state is a prominent example of an elusive state of matte [more]
- 28.04.2021 -
FIM-S3 SEMINAR - Prof Ray LaPierre Date and Time: Wednesday April 28th, 16:00
Link (Google Meet): https://meet.google.com/yud-upbp-mno
Speaker: Prof Ray LaPierre -
Mc Master University (Canada)
Title: Semiconductor nanowires for betavoltaics, photovoltaics and energy harvesting
Abstract: III-V compound semiconductor nanowires (NWs) are being developed for the [more]
- 22.04.2021 -
"His Highness the music" Listening to music has beneficial effects on the human being, while other sounds and noises that accompany our daily life sometimes disturb us. In an interview published on Almanacco della Scienza, the bimonthly magazine by Cnr Press Office, CnrNano researcher Carlo Andrea Rozzi talks about acoustic stimuli and explains the difference between sound, noise and music.
Read the article https://meet.google.com/yud-upbp-mno
Speaker: Dr Simone Meloni - University of Ferrara
Title: Phase stability and defects dynamics in halide perovskites: fundamental processes affecting the efficiency and stability of hybrid perovskites for solar cells applications
Abstract: [more]
Foto: INTA System team: Marco Cecchini (NANO), Marco Calderisi, Matteo Agostini (SNS) |
Foto: rappresentazione grafica degli eccitoni nel cristallo di solfuro di molibdeno sottoposto a pressioni elevate, raggiungibili in dispositivi a cella a diamante. Immagine Claudia Cardoso |
- 06.04.2021 -
Scoperto il materiale che può diventare isolante eccitonico
Uno studio di Cnr-Nano predice che un nuovo stato della materia, previsto negli anni '60 e mai confermato, si realizzi in un solido di solfuro di molibdeno applicando una pressione esterna. La ricerca è pubblicata sulla rivista PNAS
L'isolante eccitonico, uno stato quantistico della materia teorizzato mezzo secolo fa e a lungo inseguito dai fisici, sembra ora a portata di esperimento. Ricercatori dell'Istituto nanoscienze del Consiglio nazionale de [more]
Foto: The Sauter-Schwinger effect in a BCS superconductor |
- 26.03.2021 -
Diradicals evaporation on the cover Arrigo Calzolari's recent paper "Challenges in Controlled Thermal Deposition of Organic Diradicals" hits the cover of the last issue of Chemistry of materials journal (March 23, 2021, Volume 33, Issue 6)
Arrigo Calzolari from CnrNano and Maria Benedetta Casu from the University of Tubingen, in collaboration with colleagues from University of Nebraska, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz and Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, demonstrated that it is possible to evaporate diradicals in [more]
Link https://pubs.acs.org/toc/cmatex/33/6# |
- 22.03.2021 -
MaX CoE brand new newsletter
MaX - European Centre of Excellence - a H2020 project coordinated by CNR Nano, is proud to announce the publication of its periodical newsletter.
Check the latest achievements of the project and its flagship codes, the upcoming events involving the Centre of Excellence, the training opportunities, the European HPC strategies for the future, and much more.
Read the newsletter https://meet.google.com/tcu-rsiq-dfb
Once connected, please switch off your microphone and camera.
If you have questions, please use the chat to ask for attention.
Speaker: Andrea Iorio (NEST, Scuola Normale Superiore and Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR)
Title: Heat rectification i [more]
Foto: Intersect newsletter |
- 12.03.2021 -
INTERSECT project newsletter INTERSECT is a H2020 project coordinated by CNR-Nano Modena, and aims at leveraging European leadership in materials’ modelling software and infrastructure.
Its first newsletter introduces the reader to the INTERSECT world, and particularly to its simulation box prototype and scientific activity.
Read the newsletter here and subscribe to it!
Visit the INTERSECT project website EMMC International Workshop has become known as a leading cross-cutting event where stakeholders from different materials modelling-related fields in industry and academia get together to discuss topics of strategic importance and elaborate on gaps and potential actions to move the field forward.
This year the 3rd EMMC International Workshop will take place in a digital format in 2021 retaining its key element of extended discussion sessions [more]
Foto: SQEL lab cutting-edge equipment |
- 17.02.2021 -
FETOPEN SuperGate “Gate Tuneable Superconducting Quantum Electronics” From March 2021, CNR-NANO and CNR-SPIN Institutes will be starting the collaborative research and innovation project SuperGate “Gate Tuneable Superconducting Quantum Electronics”, funded by the European Commission under the HORIZON-2020 FETOPEN program. The project's goal is to combine the powerful and energy-efficient superconductor technology with existing semiconductor technology, and is based on a fundamental discovery by Francesco Giazotto's research team.
SuperGate is coo [more]
Link https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/964398/it |
Foto: Models of graphene flakes with H-decorated edges |
Foto: Il complesso dell'ESRF (fonte: ESRF) |
- 22.12.2020 -
ESRF: una rivoluzione che parla italiano In un articolo uscito sull'ANSA, Elisa Molinari sottolinea il fondamentale contributo dell'Italia sia nella ideazione che nella realizzazione della centro europeo per la luce di sincrotrone di Grenoble. L'ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility) da settembre sta funzionando come una sorta di microscopio gigante, offrendo opportunità ineguagliabili per esplorare materiali e materia biologica.
Molinari, che guida la delegazione italiana al Cda di ESRF, osserva che ora "la sfida è governar [more]
- 20.12.2020 -
A new frontier for the detection of light in semiconductor nanowires In a new paper published in Light Science & Application, a team of scientists, led by Miriam Serena Vitiello from CNR - Istituto Nanoscienze and Scuola Normale Superiore, and co-workers have developed an elegant approach that exploits scattering near-field optical nanoscopy to unambiguously reveal the photodetection mechanism in semiconductor (InAs) nanowire FETs.
By innovatively exploiting nanoscopy of the photoinduced current in the nanostructure, and scattering near-field microscop [more]
Foto: SEM image of the nanofibers. Two differently 'programmed' zones have been exposed to high temperatures. In an area the nanofibers remained intact, in the other they melted into a uniform film |
Foto: Una finestra sul cervello di un topo in cui i neuroni della corteccia visiva esprimono due corredi genetici. In rosso si vedono neuroni normali, in verde i neuroni che esprimono la mutazione. La finestra è larga circa 3 millimetri |
- 03.12.2020 -
Mosaicismo genetico: il primo strumento molecolare Ricercatori dell’Istituto nanoscienze del Cnr e della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa hanno realizzato il primo strumento molecolare per visualizzare i mosaici genetici nelle cellule in vivo. Si chiama Beatrix e permetterà di studiare il mosaicismo tipico di malattie neurologiche e oncologiche. Lo studio è pubblicato su Nature Communications.
Leggi qui l'[more]
Foto: Immagine al microscopio elettronico delle nanofibre. Sono visibili due zone 'programmate' in modo diverso e poi esposte a temperature elevate. In una zona le nanofibre sono rimaste intatte, nell’altra si sono sciolte formando una pellicola uniforme |
- 01.12.2020 -
Ecco i nanomateriali "termici" che si programmano con la luce
Messi a punto da ricercatori dell'Università di Pisa e dell'Istituto nanoscienze del Cnr dei nanomateriali con proprietà termiche programmabili per via ottica: permetteranno di progettare etichette intelligenti per monitorare le temperature di conservazione di alimenti, farmaci e vaccini. Lo studio pubblicato su Nature Communications.
Intelligent no [more]
- 14.10.2020 -
MaX Webinar on FLEUR code The sixth Webinar of the series presenting the most recent developments of the MaX flagship codes entitled "All-electron DFT using the FLEUR code" will take place on October 14, 2020 at 11:00 CEST, featuring the FLEUR code.
Within the zoo of different density functional theory methods frequently employed, the full-potential linearized augmented planewave (FLAPW) method is commonly considered as the approach able to provide the most precise results. A [more]
- 30.09.2020 -
SEMINARIO S3 - Savio Laricchia Date and Time: Wednesday September 30, 2020 – 15.00
Venue: online on zoom.us
link: https://zoom.us/j/91534212500?pwd=RzkzTEtxbjZRUUdzQkhNNEtndmsydz09
ID: 915 3421 2500 Passcode: wHH1XC
Speaker: Savio Laricchia Affiliazione: King's College London (UK)
Title: Electron-phonon coupling within Quasiparticle Self-consistent GW
Abstract: The reliability of Dens [more]
- 22.09.2020 -
MaX WEBINAR on SIESTA code The fifth Webinar of a series presenting the most recent developments of the MaX flagship codes entitled "New developments in SIESTA for high-performance materials simulations" will take place on 22 September 2020 at 15:00 CEST, featuring the SIESTA code.
For over two-decades, SIESTA has enabled the treatment of large systems with first-principles electronic-structure methods, bringing new opportunities to many disciplines. At the core of SIESTA's eff [more]
- 17.09.2020 -
NANO Colloquia 2020 - Sergio Pezzini Date and Time: Thursday September 22, 2020 - 11:00
Speaker: Sergio Pezzini - NEST, NANO-CNR
Title: Opportunities from high-quality CVD graphene devices
Abstract: Two-dimensional materials and van der Waals heterostructures stand at the core of current research in condensed-matter. A key feature of these systems is the possibility of engineering their electronic properties via controlled stacking, as well a [more]
- 04.09.2020 -
MaX centre brings HPC at the EuroScience Open Forum
Cnr Nano participates in ESOF, the EuroScience Open Forum 2020, taking place in Trieste from 2 to 6 September. The event, coordinated by the MaX center of excellence, is dedicated to the scientific frontiers of supercomputing and the ambitious challenge that Europe has taken up in this field.
The meeting entitled Super-computing and the science & technology of the future, will be held in virtual form on 5 September from 10.15 to 11:45, and sees the participation of Robert [more]
Link https://bit.ly/356Lf7M |
Foto: False-color scanning electron micrographs of the suspended Ti gated superconductor transistor, on an intrinsic SiO2 substrate |
- 31.08.2020 -
Supercurrent control in a fully suspended superconducting nanobridge CNR nano researchers demonstrates the control of a supercurrent transistor made up of a suspended nanowire, fabricated with an innovative technique. The result, published in the journal ACS Nano by Francesco Giazotto's group and Lucia Sorba's group, allows a better understanding of the electrostatic field-effect in superconducting metals.
Under standard conditions, the electrostatic field-effect is negligible in conventional metals and was expected to be completely ineffective also [more]
Link https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsnano.0c05355 |
Foto: Illustration of a double quantum dot spin valve. Unpolarized electrons enter a first q-dot which acts as a spin polarizer by backscattering one species. The second q-dot acts as an analyser. Only one spin species is transmitted through both dots. |
- 18.08.2020 -
Lock keeping for spins Researchers at the University of Basel and Cnr NANO in Pisa have demonstrated a new route for semiconductor spintronics that can filter single electrons according to their spins in quantum electronic devices. They use ‘nanomagnets’ to individually spin polarize electron states in semiconductor quantum dots. By placing two such “artificial magnetic atoms” in series they demonstrate a switching of the electrical current based on the orientation of the nanomagnets. These results, publish [more]
Link https://www.nature.com/articles/s42005-020-00405-2 |
- 24.06.2020 -
MaX Webinar on flagship codes: CP2K The 4th MaX Webinar of the series on its flagship codes is dedicated to the CP2K code. The webinar will take place next 24th of June at 11am (CEST).
The Webinar will provide an accurate overview of the HPC libraries developed at CSCS in order to accelerate electronic structure code such as CP2K and Quantum ESPRESSO. These libraries are (1) DBCSR, (2) COSMA, (3) SpFFT and (4) SIRIUS).
CSCS is working on several HPC libraries which can be [more]
- 23.06.2020 -
Carlo Andrea Rozzi and the mind traps Tuesday, June 23 at 15.00, a new live broadcast of #TuttiInMusica entitled 'Mind traps- Game, music and science to go further', hosts among others our researcher Carlo Andrea Rozzi.
Our mind is constantly searching for known forms and patterns. We see it as we look at the sky and in the clouds, we feel like we recognize animals and faces. It is a winning strategy for dealing with the complexity of the world, which enables us to quickly identify dangers and benefits and intervene effec [more]
Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKIlHI-TLRA |
Foto: Artistic image of quantum phase battery [credit Andrea Iorio - SNS] |
- 17.06.2020 -
CnrNano's team realizes the first phase battery for quantum technologies The first quantum phase battery has been realized by the groups of Francesco Giazotto (CNRNano) and Sebastian Bergeret (CFM, CSIC-UPV/EHU, DIPC, Donostia / San Sebastian), with the collaboration of Salerno University. The device consist of an indium arsenide (InAs) nanowire in contact with aluminum superconducting leads and is a key element for quantum technologies based on phase coherence. The work has been published in the prestigious journal Nature Nanotechnology(2020). https://doi.org/10 [more]
Link https://www.nature.com/articles/s41565-020-0712-7 |
- 16.06.2020 -
MaX Webinars on Yambo code Date and Time: June 16, 2020 - 15.00
Title: Quasiparticle Band Structures and Excitons in Novel Materials using the Yambo Code
The MaX European Centre of Excellence is working to prepare Yambo for the forthcoming pre- and exascale machine. The scope of this webinar is, indeed, to provide a broad view of the Yambo code, where to get it from and how to use it. We will also provide an update of the status of the GP [more]
- 26.05.2020 -
MaX Webinars on flagship codes
MaX is proud to announce the second MaX webinar focused on AiiDA : "Managing, simplifying and disseminating High-Throughput computational materials science with AiiDA, AiiDA lab, and the Materials Cloud Archive" planned for May 27, 2020 at 3pm.
You can find here all the relevant info and th [more]
- 25.05.2020 -
Webinar di presentazione Progetto RIMMEL Date and Time: 27 maggio 2020 - 17:00-18:30
Presentazione del Progetto RIMMEL - RIvestimenti Multi-funzionali e multi-scala, per componenti MEccanici in acciaio e Leghe di alluminio fabbricati con additive manufacturing diretto dal Prof. Sergio Valeri, Unimore e CNR Nano
Introduzione ai lavori
Ing. Francesco Blumetti, Responsabile Area Meccanica della Fondazione De [more]
- 21.05.2020 -
Nano Colloquia in streaming Date and Time: Thursday 21 May 2020 - 11:00
Streaming at: https://meet.google.com/ykk-gkry-mip Once connected, please switch off your microphone and camera. If you have questions (only at the end of the presentation) please use the chat to ask for attention.
Speaker: Sedighe Salimian (NEST, NANO-CNR)
Title: Quantum transport in dual-channel InAs [more]
- 18.05.2020 -
#TuttiInMusica with Carlo Andrea Rozzi Tuesday 19 May at 5 pm, on Facebook and YouTube Cnr channels, the live broadcast #TuttiInMusica will be dedicated to "Scomposizione" (decomposition). The broadcast will host also CnrNano researcher Carlo Andrea Rozzi who will talk about sound, how to study it, "dismantle" "recombine" and "reassemble" it, and how these operations can have consequences even outside the purely scientific and technological scope.
#TuttiInMusica. Decompose to discover, compose to progress.
Science a [more]
Link https://www.facebook.com/ComunicazioneCnr/ |
- 14.05.2020 -
Activity Report 2020 is out! The new edition of the Cnr Nano Activity Report is finally out! It spots the main scientific highlights of the Institute, along with glimpses from its outreach activity, and many other important topics (publications, funded projects,…). It’s a must-read to have an overview of what is done and who is who there!
You can read it online (link to Issuu here) or download it [more]
Info report@nano.cnr.it Link http://www.nano.cnr.it/?mod=men&id=511 |
- 26.03.2020 -
Protective equipment donation to support the COVID19 emergency With a joint action the Cnr Nanoscience Institute and the Scuola Normale Superiore through the NEST Laboratory, decided to donate their "personal protective equipment" (PPE) to support the COVID- 19 health emergency. The donation was made to the Gabriele Monasterio Foundation which will send the material to the hospital in Pisa, the one inside the CNR Research Area, and the one in Massa (Ospedale del Cuore "G. Pasquinucci"), and to other hospitals in the Tuscany region. The donated material cons [more]
- 04.03.2020 -
Excitonic and topological order in T'-MoS2 In an article just published on Nature Nanotechnology, our researchers Daniele Varsano, Elisa Molinari, and Massimo Rontani, in collaboration with Maurizia Palummo of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, studied the topological insulator MoS2, using advanced theoretical-computational methodologies based on quantum mechanics.
By combining calculations from first principles with a self-consistent mean-field model, researchers showed that in the paradigmatic case of monolayer T' MoS2 the ele [more]
- 26.02.2020 -
New institute board On February 19 the CnrNano institute board was renewed by the election of new members, which registered a large participation of the voters. The new institute board will remain in office for the next four years, supporting the Director in planning the scientific activity of the institute. The new board is made up of 9 members, for the 60% women and for the 60% new, listed below:
- Representatives of researchers/technologists: Stefania Benedetti, Giorgia Brancolini, Marco Cecchini, Stefan [more]
Foto: Foto: Francesco Rossella [courtesy of NEST Laboratory, Scuola Normale Superiore and Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR, Italy) |
- 17.02.2020 -
S3 SEMINAR Francesco Rossella Date and Time: Monday February 17, 2020 - 12:00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Francesco Rossella NEST Laboratory, Scuola Normale Superiore and Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR (IT)
Title: Engineering electronic functionalities in nanowire-based devices: advantages from heterostructuring and electrostatic doping
Abstract: Semiconductor n [more]
- 14.02.2020 -
S3 SEMINAR Tyler Harvey Date and Time: Friday February 14, 2020 - 11:00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Tyler Harvey Affiliazione: Università Goettingen (DE)
Title: Imaging optical fields with ultrafast electron microscopy
Abstract: Transmission electron microscopes typically offer excellent spatial resolution, but limited temporal resolution. It is [more]
- 11.02.2020 -
S3 SEMINAR Marco Frasconi Date and Time: Tuesday February 11, 2020 - 15:00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Marco Frasconi Dip. Scienze Chimiche, Università di Padova (IT)
Title: Electrochemically Driven Processes in Mechanically Interlocked
Abstract: The self-assembly of molecular building blocks into the desire structures plays a fundamental [more]
- 01.02.2020 -
Cnr Nano Modena is SUPER! As an important step forward within the national and international HPC ecosystem, and in strong synergy with the MaX Centre of excellence, CNR-NANO participates in SUPER (Supercomputing Unified Platform - Emilia-Romagna), an Emilia-Romagna POR-FESR 2014-2020 regional funded project.
SUPER aims at extending the regional computing and storage infrastructure to support scientific and industrial use cases. Within the materials domain,
this will be done by leveraging the MaX flagship code [more]
Link https://www.hpc.cineca.it/projects/super |
- 27.01.2020 -
Computational School on Electronic Excitations in Novel Materials Using the Yambo Code Date: January 27-31, 2020
Venue: ICTP - Kastler Lecture Hall (AGH), via Grignano, 9 I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
The Computational School on Electronic Excitations in Novel Materials Using the Yambo Code, organized by MaX , introduces participants to post-DFT simulations, in particular many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) approaches and provide training in the calculation of electronic and optical properties of materials.
The program [more]
- 22.01.2020 -
Cnr-Nano project Terasec funded with a ERC grant Among the 76 top European researchers selected under the ERC Proof of Concept grants - third round 2019 - the ‘Terasec’ project proposed by Francesco Giazotto (Cnr-Nano) will develop an innovative device for the detection of security threats of European citizens and infrastructures.
The researcher will receive a €150,000 grant to explore the innovation potential of its project and bring the results closer to market: the goal of the project is to deliver an unrivalled novel secur [more]
Link http://web.nano.cnr.it/sqel/ |
- 17.01.2020 -
Francesca Telesio on air talking about the science to come Francesca Telesio was a guest on Radio Aula40 episode "The science to come". The first episode of the year of the radio program produced by the Cnr Area of Pisa broadcasted on January 16, involved 5 researchers to summarise the major advancement and the future opportunities of 5 disciplinary areas: medicine, nanomaterials, computer science, physics and robotics. Our Francesca Telesio explained the exciting new possibilities opened by the discovery of graphene and two-dimensional materials to the [more]
Link http://radioaula40.cnr.it/8-la-scienza-che-verra/ |
Foto: Sabina Spiga, [courtesy CNR-IMM, IT] |
- 16.12.2019 -
S3 SEMINAR Sabina Spiga Date and Time: Monday December 16, 2019 - 12:00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Sabina Spiga, CNR-IMM Agrate Brianza (IT)
Title: Memristive devices for brain inspired computing
Abstract: Memristive devices have been receiving an increasing interest for a wide range of applications, such as storage class memory, non-volatile logi [more]
- 10.12.2019 -
S3 - Unimore SEMINAR: Carsten Gachot Date and Time: Tuesday December 10, 2019 - 11.00
Venue: Room 1.6, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Carsten Gachot Vienna University of Technology - TU Wien
Title: Tribology and Materials Physics at TU Wien
• Tribofilm formation in machine elements
• Materials tribology
• Surface engineering
• Wear processes
• Contact mecha [more]
Foto: Enrico Da Como [courtesy of University of Bath - UK] |
- 09.12.2019 -
S3 SEMINAR Enrico Da Como Date and Time: Monday 9 December - 12.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Prof. Enrico Da Como, University of Bath United Kingdom
Title: "Dynamics of charge density waves in semi-metallic metal chalcogenides"
Abstract: Most semimetallic transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) exhibit phase transitions to a charge density wa [more]
- 21.11.2019 -
Short master - Tecnologie avanzate per la SURFACE ENGINEERING di materiali di interesse industriale Nelle 2 giornate del 21 e del 27 novembre 2019 si svolgerà la quarta edizione del corso in Tecnologie avanzate per la surface engineering di materiali di interesse industriale, organizzato da Fondazione Democenter, in collaborazione con il Centro Interdipartimentale Intermech e i Dipartimenti FIM e DIEF dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, con il sostegno di CNR Nano nell'ambito del Progetto RIMMEL (Progetto finanziato nell’ambito del POR-FESR Emilia-Romagna 2014-202 [more]
- 14.11.2019 -
S3 SEMINAR - Dr. Alessandra Satta Date and Time: Thursday November 14, 2019 - 12:00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Dr. Alessandra Satta CNR-IOM Cagliari (IT)
Title: "Towards modelling the degradation of pigments: Cd-yellow as a case study"
Abstract: Several of the historical coloured pigments belonging to the paintings of the late 1800 and early 1900, are un [more]
- 11.11.2019 -
S3 SEMINAR - Dr Filippo Troiani Date and Time: Monday November 11, 2019 - 15:00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Dr Filippo Troiani CNR Nanoscienze di Modena
Title: "Quantum supremacy with a superconducting processor"
Abstract: Google has recently reported the achievement of quantum supremacy [1]. The 54-qubit programmable processor has in fact performed, in [more]
Foto: Superconducting quantum interference proximity transistor with multi tunnel junctions |
- 05.11.2019 -
Nadia Ligato awarded at RAITH Micrograph Award 2019 CnrNANO Technologist Nadia Ligato won the third prize of RAITH Micrograph Award 2019. The micrograph winning the award pictures a superconducting quantum interference proximity transistor with multi-tunnel junctions nanofabricated using electron beam lithography technique and shadow-angle evaporation..
The prize is a recognition of the SQEL - Superconducting Quantum Electronics Lab group cutting-edge research and it follows a long series of CnrNANO and Laboratorio NES [more]
Link https://www.raith.com/company/micrograph-award/winner-2019.html |
Foto: Advanced Electronic Materials 5 (7), 2019 cover |
- 28.10.2019 -
Start Cup Toscana awards the brain trauma nano-detector developed by Nano researchers An entrepreneurial project by Istituto Nanoscienze and Scuola Normale Superiore won the 2019 edition of Start Cup Toscana, the competition awarding the best entrepreneurial initiatives with high technological content developed by from the world of research.
The winner, among 10 participants selected for the final run, is the future startup called 'Inta Systems'. The project was presented by Marco Cecchini from Cnr-NANO and Matteo Agostini from SNS, who also received a 5,000 euros prize [more]
Link https://www.cnr.it/it/news/8998 |
- 21.10.2019 -
Conference on Signatures of Topology in Condensed Matter October 21-25, 2019 This conference will focus on the observable signatures of topology in electronic, photonic, phononic, and atomic systems, with participation by leading theorists and experimentalists. The conference will offer an excellent opportunity for cross-fertilisation of ideas and an exciting learning experience for early career researchers.
Topological insulators and superconductors
Dirac and Weyl semimetals
Time-dependent and non-equilibrium topologi [more]
Foto: Federico Fedele [courtesy of University of Copenhagen] |
- 10.10.2019 -
S3 SEMINAR Dr. Federico Fedele Date and Time: Thursday October 10, 2019 - 15.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Federico Fedele Center for Quantum Devices, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
Title: Simultaneous operations of four singlet-triplet qubits in a GaAs multi-dot device
Abstract: Spins in gate defined quantum dots have always been a major pl [more]
- 08.10.2019 -
S3 SEMINAR Dr. Jindrich Kolorenc Date and Time: Tuesday October 08, 2019 - 11.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Dr. Jindrich Kolorenc, PhD Department of Condensed Matter Theory Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Title: Inelastic Electron Tunneling through an Adatom: Selection Rules and Orbital Exchange
I investig [more]
- 30.09.2019 -
S3 SEMINAR - RIMMEL'S seminar series Simone Di Mare Date and Time: Monday September 30, 2019 - 15.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Simone Di Mare, PhD Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Centro Materiali e Microsistemi (FBK-CMM)
Title: 3D printing of Ni-based superalloys: ADAM project methodology
Abstract: ADAM (ADditive mAnufacturing of Metal superalloys) is a research project pursuing t [more]
- 25.09.2019 -
Notte dei ricercatori 2019 Torna la Notte dei ricercatori, manifestazione indetta dall’Unione Europea il 27 settembre 2019 per promuovere i temi della ricerca scientifica e dell’innovazione, e l'Istituto nanoscienze partecipa all’appuntamento anche quest'anno con eventi in programma nelle edizioni di Pisa e di Modena.
CnrNANO di Pisa partecipa alla notte della scienza toscana, che si svolge nell'ambito del progetto Bright, con diverse iniziative, in programma all'Area di [more]
- 23.09.2019 -
Graphene week 2019 CNR Nano researchers are attending the Graphene Week, just started in Helsinki (Finland). Graphene Week is Europe´s Leading Graphene Conference, bringing together the latest innovations and leading-edge technology and research on graphene from more than 200 experts related to industry and academia meeting to explore the hottest topics influencing the field (industry).
Elisa Molinari, Massimo Rontani and Valentina Tozzini are respectively chair and speakers of the session sched [more]
- 23.09.2019 -
Modena Smart Life Prof. Elisa Molinari will be one of the speakers of the "L’umanesimo nell’impresa 4.0 - valorizzazione del pensiero al tempo dell'intelligenza artificiale" session on September 28 at Laboratorio Aperto Modena.
She will analize the relationship between man and machine in a dialogue with Andrea Cattabriga from Makers Modena Fab Lab. Don't miss it!
The complete program of the 3 days event (September 27-29, 2019) on the Modena Smart Li [more]
- 20.09.2019 -
Waiting for the Researchers' Night Cnr NANO is getting ready for the 2019 Researchers' Night. This year our scientists will talk about icy superconducting computers, lab-on-a-chip for biomedical use and two-dimensional materials, as well as new materials designed with quantum simulations. STAY TUNED!
And in the meantime you can watch the short Tech Talks given by our Gian Michele Ratto and Simone Zanotto at the last Researchers' Night, here:
- 13.09.2019 -
CnrNANO is going to be OPEN
CnrNano Modena takes part in the Emilia Romagna OPEN event, an initiative dedicated to citizens of all ages, including students, to discover the industrial and research heritage of the Emilia-Romagna region. A week where the public has the chance to visit and learn about excellent productions, working processes, technological innovations and research centers.
CnrNano Modena join the event by opening its laboratories and showing its resear [more]
Foto: Patrick Charchar [courtesy of RMIT University Melbourne, Australia) |
- 11.09.2019 -
S3 SEMINAR Patrick Charchar Date and Time: Wednesday September 11, 2019 - 15.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Patrick Charchar School of Engineering, RMIT University (Melbourne, Australia)
Title: Exploring the gold–nano–bio interface through molecular simulations
Abstract: Biologically compatible noble metal nanoparticles are envisaged to become an int [more]
Foto: Myrta Grüning [courtesy QUB Queen's University Belfast) |
- 10.09.2019 -
S3 SEMINAR Myrta Gruning Date and Time: Tuesday September 10, 2019 - 15.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Myrta Grüning Queen's University Belfast
Title: Nonlinear optics from first-principles real-time approaches
Abstract: In the past decades, many-body approaches based on the GW approximation and the Bethe-Salpeter equation have become the state-of-the [more]
- 30.08.2019 -
Nanowire Week 2019 The Nanowire Week 2019 will be held in Pisa (Tuscany), Italy, from September 23 to 27, 2019.
Nanowire Week 2019 is merging two well-established and highly successful annual workshops: NANOWIRES and the Nanowire Growth Workshop.
Nanowire Week 2019 will follow the same objectives, scientific standards and programs of the previous editions in Lund and Hamilton, covering all topics of nanowire-related research, from fabrication and fundamental properties to applications.
Y [more]
Link http://webtheory.sns.it/nanowireweek2019/index.php |
- 09.08.2019 -
Excited states of matter, simulating them will be simpler A research conducted by Stefano Pittalis from CNR NANO and Tim Gould from Griffith University, makes it easier to conduct simulations of states of matter so far difficult to deal with computation.
Stefano Pittalis and Tim Gould have shown that in order to simulate with a DFT-like approach passive state ensembles (i.e. states of matter that include higher-than-normal energies) it is necessary to include an additional form of correlation, which they referred to as "density-driven correlati [more]
Foto: Prof. Sander Tans [courtesy AMOLF] |
- 01.08.2019 -
S3 SEMINAR Prof. Sander Tans Date and Time: Thursday August 1, 2019 - 11.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Professor Sander Tans FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics [AMOLF] Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Title: Chaperone-guided folding of single proteins
Abstract:Chaperones are well known to be central to the folding of larger proteins in cells. But it [more]
- 09.07.2019 -
70th birthday of Federico Capasso
To celebrate the 70th birthday of the eminent scientist Federico Capasso and his enthusiastic scientific vision into the future, the symposium “Harnessing Light with Structured Materials” aims to bring together outstanding, worldwide renowned speakers dealing with a broad range of subjects, including flat optics and metamaterials, photonics, high energy lasers, ultra-cold matter, nano-optics, opto-genetics and biological science.
The simposium, organized by Cn [more]
Link https://fed.ino.it/?p=14843 |
- 04.07.2019 -
NANO COLLOQUIA 2019 Giovanni Bertoni Date and Time: Thursday July 4, 2019 - 15.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Giovanni Bertoni
Title: Coloring atoms: chemical characterization of nanostructures at sub-nm resolution in the TEM
Abstract: Advanced materials require control of the structural properties at sub-nanometer or atomic scale. Chemical information at high spati [more]
- 27.06.2019 -
Blender course on 3D scientific images In an effort to improve the quality of our scientific communication, CNR Nano and the MaX European Centre of Excellence organized a one day course on Blender. The goal of the course is to provide hands-on knowledge of producing great images and animations from 3D (scientific) data. The course just started! 26 PhD students and researchers are attending it! [more]
Foto: O. Andreussi © Univ. North Texas |
Foto: E. Hankiewicz © www.physik.uni-wuerzburg.de |
- 25.06.2019 -
NEST Seminar: E. Hankiewicz 25/06/2019 Ewelina Hankiewicz, Physics Department, Wurzburg University, Germany
Unconventional superconductivity in topological insulators and Rashba 2DEGs
Tuesday 25 June 2019 - 11:00
NEST seminar room 1 floor
A topological insulator in the proximity to an s-wave superconductor is the prefect material to detect signatures of Majorana fermions. S-wave superconductor on the top of the surface states of 3D TI generates s-wave and p-wave pairing mixt [more]
Info alessandro.braggio@nano.cnr.it |
Foto: A. Szukalski |
Foto: Giulia Avvisati, © University La Sapienza, Rome |
- 18.06.2019 -
S3 seminar: Giulia Avvisati (UniRoma1) Tuesday June 18, 2019 - 15:00
S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Giulia Avvisati
Dipartimento di Fisica, Università La Sapienza - Roma
Title: Tuning the (anti)ferromagnetic coupling of MPcs/Gr/FM spin interfaces
Host: Andrea Ferretti andrea.ferretti@nano.cnr.it
Abstract: Paramagnetic metal organic molecules can open the route to engineer spintronic devices when their magnetic moments are [more]
Info andrea.ferretti@nano.cnr.it Link http://www.nano.cnr.it/?mod=men&id=116 |
- 13.06.2019 -
S3 Seminar: Laura Zanetti Polzi, 18/06/19 Date and Time: June 18, 2019 - 11.30
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Laura Zanetti Polzi
Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche e Chimiche Università degli Studi
dell'Aquila e CNR-NANO Modena
Title: Quantitatively connecting experiments and simulations on biomolecules with a hybrid quantum-classical approach.
Abstract: The applications of multiscale quantum-classical approaches [more]
- 06.06.2019 -
NANO COLLOQUIA 2019 Date and Time: Thursday June 6, 2019 - 15.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Claudia Maria Cardoso Pereira
Title: Electronic and structural properties of few
layers van der Waals materials
Abstract: The recent reports of ferromagnetic order in two dimensional crystals sign the beginning of a new chapter in the field of 2D materials. [more]
- 07.05.2019 -
MaX @ the Graphene Week 2019 Helsinki, 23-27 September 2019
Graphene Flagship – MaX joint workshop on “High performance computing for 2D materials research”
Parallel Session on Tuesday, 24 September 2019 (15.30-18.00) + Poster Session (18.00-20.00)
Chairs: Elisa Molinari – director of MaX Center, Vladimir Falko – Director of NGI
“European HPC initiatives and 2D materials research: collaborating and funding opportunities” Policy session [more]
Foto: Prof. Yongli Zhang [courtesy Yale School of Medicine] |
- 06.05.2019 -
S3 - Unimore SEMINAR Yongli Zhang Date and Time: May 6, 2019 - 14.30
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Prof. Yongli Zhang Department of Cell Biology,Yale University School of Medicine,
New Haven, CT 06520, USA
Title: SNARE folding and assembly in neurotransmission
Abstract:SNARE proteins and Sec1/Munc18 (SM) proteins constitute the core molecular engine that driv [more]
Foto: Braiker |
- 06.05.2019 -
Cnr-Nano at InnovAgorà, the first fair of Italian innovation A patent by Cnr-Nano and Scuola Normale Superiore will be presented at InnovAgorà, the first fair of Italian innovation promoted by MIUR - from Monday 6 to Wednesday 8 May, in Milan - to showcase the most promising technologies developed by Italian universities and research institutes ("Leonardo da Vinci" National Museum of Science and Technology, with teh perticipation of 48 universities and 13 research institutes).
The patented device is named Braiker: it is a complet [more]
Link http://www.innovagora.it/ |
Foto: Enrico Pracucci [courtesy Scuola Normale Superiore] |
- 18.04.2019 -
NANO COLLOQUIA 2019 Date and Time: Thursday April 18, 2019 - 11.00
Venue: NEST Seminar Room
Speaker: Enrico Pracucci
Title: Computation in the autistic brain
Abstract: Phelan-McDermid Syndrome (PMS) is a rare genetic condition, that leads to severe intellectual disability, delayed development and autism spectrum symptoms. In these patients, the impairment of higher cognitive functions is the most evident [more]
- 18.04.2019 -
Video presentation of BRAIKER brain-biosensor A video presentation of BRAIKER, the novel biosensor for brain biomarkers, is now available.
BRAIKER is a novel biomedical device for brain pathologies developed by Neurosens research group at NEST. It is based on nano-acoustics, namely acoustics exploiting nanotechnology. Thanks to nano-sensors and micro-transductors it can manipulate fluids and perform molecular assays. This lab-on-a-chip will be explored for other pathologies, too.
Foto: Carlo Andrea Rozzi |
- 17.04.2019 -
NANO COLLOQUIA 2019 Date and Time: Thursady May 2, 2019 - 15.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Carlo Andrea Rozzi
Title: Ultrafast electronic and nuclear dynamics in photovoltaic materials
Abstract: I will report on recent studies of sub-ps dynamics of photoinduced charge separation in several prototypical photovoltaic materials. The simulations, perfor [more]
- 16.04.2019 -
QSORT International Conference 2019 Date and Time: 2-5 JULY 2019
Venue: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
Staudtstraße 2, 91058
Erlangen (Germany)
The Q-SORT International Conference on Quantum Imaging and Electron Beam Shaping aims to gather experts from the fields of electron and laser beam shaping, free-space electron optics, and related sub-fields of quantum mechanics. Participants will present and share their late [more]
Foto: Dr. Carlo Pignedoli - Deputy Group Leader Atomistic Simulations [courtesy EMPA] |
- 16.04.2019 -
S3 SEMINAR Carlo Pignedoli Date and Time: Tuesday April 16, 2019 - 12.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Carlo Pignedoli Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland
Title: On-surface synthesis of graphene nanoribbons from a computational perspective
Abstract: Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) are strips of graphene with nan [more]
- 11.04.2019 -
NEST Seminar Thomas McDermott Date and Time: Date and Time: Thursday April 11, 2019 - 11.00
Venue: NEST Seminar Room
Speaker: Dott. Thomas McDermott, University of Exeter, UK
Title: Electromechanical effects in suspended Josephson junctions
Abstract:Thanks to the progress in the fabrication of ultrathin and flexible electronic devices, the interplay between electronic transport and mechanical deformations is b [more]
Foto: Prof. Marco Bernasconi [courtesy Università di Milano-Bicocca] |
- 28.03.2019 -
S3 - INTERSECT Seminar Marco Bernasconi Date and Time: Thursday March 28, 2019 - 14.30
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Prof. Marco Bernasconi Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali, Università di Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy
Title: Atomistic Simulations of Phase Change Materials for Data Storage
Abstract:Chalcogenide compounds such as GeTe and GeSbTe alloys are attract [more]
Foto: Gina Greco |
- 21.03.2019 -
NEST Seminar Gina Greco Date and Time: Thursday March 21, 2019 - 15.00
Venue: Nest Seminar Room PT
Speaker: Gina Greco NEST CNR Nano, Pisa, Italy
Title: Surface acoustic wave biosensors
Host: Fabio Taddei & Stefan Heun [more]
Foto: prof. Liliana Arrachea [courtesy of ICAS - International Center for Advanced Studies] |
- 05.03.2019 -
NEST Seminar Liliana Arrachea Date and Time: Tuesday March 5, 2019 - 11:00
Venue: NEST Seminar Room
Speaker: prof. Liliana Arrachea International Center for Advanced Studies, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina
Title: Thermoelectric effects in structures of the quantum Hall effect and the quantum spin Hall
Abstract: Boosting the efficiency for the conversion of electrical and thermal energy at [more]
Foto: Space Girls in visita all'Istituto Nanoscienze presso il Dipartimento FIM Unimore |
- 01.03.2019 -
NEST Seminar Claudio Guarcello Date and Time: Friday March 1, 2019 - 11:00
Venue: NEST Seminar Room
Speaker: dr. Claudio Guarcello NEST CNR Nano, Pisa, Italy
Title: Nonlinear critical current thermal response in an asymmetric Josephson tunnel junction: the Josephson threshold calorimeter
Abstract:We discuss the peculiar behavior of the critical current Ic, that is the maximum supercurrent that can flow in [more]
- 27.02.2019 -
S3 Seminar Fabio Landuzzi Date and Time: Wednesday February 27, 2019 - 15.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Fabio Landuzzi (Università di Lille, Instituto di Elettronica, Microelettronica e Nanotecnologie (IEMN) a Villeneuve d'Ascq, Francia)
Abstract:This seminar is dedicated to a combined theor [more]
Foto: Nanoscale Journal cover |
Foto: Stefano Fabris Direttore CNR IOM |
- 14.02.2019 -
S3 SEMINAR Stefano Fabris Date and Time: Thursday February 14, 2019 - 11.30
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Stefano Fabris CNR-IOM DEMOCRITOS, Istituto Officina dei Materiali, National Research Council, Trieste, ITALY
Title: Modelling the effects of chemical environments on oxide-supported catalysts
Host: Massimo Rontani massimo.rontani@nano.cnr.it [more]
- 04.02.2019 -
INTERSECT kick-off meeting
The INTERSECT project (a H2020-NMBP-TO-IND-2018 project, grant n. 814487), coordinated by Arrigo Calzolari - CNR Nano, is starting in a few days!
The project kick off meeting with all the partner teams is scheduled on February 4 and 5 at the Accademia delle Scienze, Arti e Lettere, Corso Vittorio Emanuele 59, Modena.
All interested researchers and studentsYou are [more]
- 11.01.2019 -
S3 SEMINAR Sutapa Dutta Date and Time: Friday January 11, 2018 - 11.30
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Sutapa Dutta Department of Chemical Biological & Macro-molecular Sciences
S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata, WB, India
Title: Model studies on self-assembly of amphiphilic macro-molecules with solvent
exposed hydrophobic moieties
Abstract: [more]
- 11.01.2019 -
Cnr Nano Colloquia The 2019 Cnr Nano Colloquia schedule is almost ready. Nest seminars are listed below, S3 's will be announced soon.
The former colloquia presentations are available here
17/01/19 Paolo A. Erdman | Optimal probabilistic work extraction beyond the free energy difference
21/02/19 Francesco Cardarelli | Capturing dynamic molecular processes in a trafficking organelle: the lysosome case
21/03/19 Gina Greco | Surface [more]
Info luisa.neri@nano.cnr.it Link http://www.nano.cnr.it/upload/allegati/allegato/699.pdf |
- 20.12.2018 -
Nano Colloquia 2018 - Francesco Mezzapesa Date and Time: Thursday December 20, 2018 - 15.00
Venue: NEST Seminar Room
Speaker: Francesco Mezzapesa
Title: Modes control in terahertz quantum cascade lasers
Host: Fabio Taddei fabio.taddei@nano.cnr.it [more]
Foto: Maria Chiara Spadaro |
- 19.12.2018 -
S3 Seminar Maria Chiara Spadaro Date and Time: Wednesday December 19, 2018 - 11.30
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Maria Chiara Spadaro Group of Advanced Electron Nanoscopy, Institut Catala de
Nanosciencia i Nanotecnologia (Barcelona, Spain) and Nanomaterials Lab, College of Engineering, Swansea University (Swansea, UK).
Title: Recent advances on the preparation of ultra-precise catalys [more]
- 19.12.2018 -
S3 SEMINAR Ilaria Siloi Date and Time: Wednesday December 19, 2018 - 15.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Ilaria Siloi Physics Dept. University of North Texas, Denton TX USA
Title: High-throughput study of Cu-Fe-S minerals as new thermoelectric materials
Abstract: Large-scale production of thermoelectrics (TE) devices requires the design of novel mate [more]
- 13.12.2018 -
NEST Seminar - Pauli Virtanen Date and Time: Thursday December 13, 2018 - 15.00
Venue: NEST Seminar Room
Speaker: Pauli VIrtanen
Title: Majorana bound states in hybrid 2D Josephson junctions with ferromagnetic insulators
Abstract:We consider a Josephson junction consisting of superconductor/ferromagnetic insulator (S/FI) bilayers as electrodes which proximizes a nearby 2D electron gas. We discuss the interplay [more]
Foto: Francesco Grandi |
- 12.12.2018 -
S3 SEMINAR Francesco Grandi Date and Time: Wednesday December 12, 2018 - 15.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Francesco Grandi Department of Physics, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany, and Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA), Trieste, Italy
Title: Mott insulators in disguise
Abstract: The Mott transition is the phenome [more]
Foto: Jesper Nygård [courtesy of University of Copenaghen] |
- 12.12.2018 -
NEST SEMINAR - Jesper Nygård Date and Time: Wednesday December 12, 2018 - 11.00
Venue: NEST Seminar Room
Speaker: Jesper Nygård University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Title: Nanowire-based superconducting quantum devices
Abstract: Quantum wires equipped with superconducting electrodes is a versatile model system for hybrid devices and has recently attracting particular attention due to the prospects for topo [more]
- 11.12.2018 -
S3 Seminar Maria Sygletou Date and Time: Tuesday December 11, 2018 - 11.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Maria Sygletou Department of Physics, University of Genoa, GE, Italy and Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (IESL-FORTH), and Physics Department, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
Title: Laser development of novel [more]
- 07.12.2018 -
S3 SEMINAR: Marco Cecchini Date and Time: Friday December 7, 2018 - 11.30
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Marco Cecchini (NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR and Scuola Normale Superiore)
Title:Ultra-High-Frequency Surface-Acoustic-Wave microfluidics and biosensors
Abstract:Rayleigh Surface acoustic waves (SAWs) are an effective means to interact with fluids and act [more]
- 06.12.2018 -
Nano Colloquia 2018 - Jacopo Stefano Pelli Cresi Date and Time: Thursday December 6, 2018 - 15.00.
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Jacopo Stefano Pelli Cresi
Title: Accessing the mechanisms for plasmonic photosensitization of ceria
Host: Massimo Rontani massimo.rontani@nano.cnr.it. [more]
Foto: https://www.cnr.it/rassegnastampa/18-12/181205/8XVSTC.tif |
- 05.12.2018 -
IN THE MEDIA: I transistor superconduttori di CnrNano su LaStampa Oggi su LaStampa un lungo articolo dedicato ai recenti risultati ottenuti da Francesco Giazotto, Federico Paolucci, Elia Strambini, Giorgio De Simoni di CnrNano e Paolo Solinas di CnrSpin. "Dal Cnr arriva una notizia dalle enormi implicazioni pratiche e convalidata dalle più autorevoli riviste scientifiche": si tratta delle ricerche pubblicate dal team su NanoLetters e Nature Nanotechnology sulla realizzazione di un transistor interamente basato su materiali superconduttori. Leggi [more]
Link https://goo.gl/Tu7yvw |
Foto: Laura Zoppi [courtesy of Nature Communications] |
- 03.12.2018 -
S3 SEMINAR Laura Zoppi Date and Time: Monday December 3, 2018 - 11.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Laura Zoppi Nature Research, Springer Nature, Berlin, Germany
Title: Publishing in Nature Research journals
Abstract:Publishing your work in an influential journal begins with good research, but there is much more to it. This talk aims to demystify the [more]
- 21.11.2018 -
2019 E-MRS IUMRS ICAM Meeting The 2019 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) will take place from May 27 to 31, 2019, in Nice, France (Congress & Exhibition Centre Acropolis).
This event is organized in conjuction with the International Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM) of the International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS).
The scientific programme will highlight the latest advances in materials research at an international level, with a strong emphasis on interdisciplin [more]
Info stefan.heun@nano.cnr.it Link https://www.european-mrs.com/meetings/2019-spring-meeting |
- 15.11.2018 -
Nano Colloquia - Lucia Angella NEST seminar room @ 15.00
Speaker: Lucia Angella (NEST, NANO-CNR)
Title: “Autophagy in Krabbe disease: a double-edged sword?”
Abstract: Krabbe disease (KD) is a rare hereditary condition with no cure currently available. KD is due to the deficiency of a lysosomal enzyme called galactosyl-ceramidase (GALC), which causes the accumulation of a cytotoxic sphingolipid, psychosine (PSY). The early-infantile and most widespread form of this lysosomal storage d [more]
Info fabio.taddei@nano.cnr.it Link http://www.nano.cnr.it/?mod=men&id=277 |
- 08.11.2018 -
COLLOQUIA 2018 S3 SEMINAR Date and Time: Thursday November 8, 2018 - 15.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Seyedeh Samaneh Ataei
Title: Excitonic insulator in transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs)
Abstract:We study the pressure induced electronic phase transition in bulk 2H-MoS2, an indirect gap layered material. By using accurate ab initio calculations ba [more]
Foto: Pierre-Emmanuel Mihiet [courtesy of Centre de Biochimie Structurale de Montpellier CNRS] |
- 22.10.2018 -
S3 SEMINAR Pierre-Emmanuel Mihiet Date and Time: Monday October 22, 2018 - 15.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Pierre-Emmanuel Mihiet Centre de Biochimie Structurale, Inserm, U1054, CNRS UMR5048, Montpellier University France
Title: Probing Architecture and Dynamics of Biological Membranes using Atomic Force Microscopy
Abstract:Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) is [more]
- 19.10.2018 -
INCONTRO di PRESENTAZIONE del PREMIO NOBEL per la Fisica 2018 Il Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Informatiche e Matematiche (FIM) e l'Istituto Nanoscienze del CNR hanno organizzato per venerdì 19 ottobre alle ore 15 in Aula L1.3 (E - Fisica) un incontro di presentazione del Premio Nobel per la Fisica 2018, appena assegnato per scoperte nel campo degli "strumenti fatti di luce":
-ad Arthur Ashkin per l'uso della luce laser per afferrare e muovere particelle, di grande rilievo ad esempio per manipolare e capire na [more]
- 19.10.2018 -
COLLOQUIA 2018 NEST Seminar Date and Time: 19/10/2018 - 15.00
Venue: NEST Seminar Room
Speaker: Simone Zanotto
Title: Chiral metasurface optomechanics
Abstract: Chirality is an ubiquitous concept of deep significance in physics, chemistry and biology; it deserves appeal both for its fundamental essence and in view of applications (i.e., drug development). Manipulation of electromagnetic chirality can be acco [more]
- 11.10.2018 -
COLLOQUIA 2018 S3 SEMINAR Maria Clelia Righi Date and Time: Thursday October 11, 2018 - 15.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Maria Clelia Righi
Title: Computational (Nano)Tribology and Materials to Reduce Friction
Host: Massimo Rontani [more]
Foto: Group picture from the 2nd nanoMeeting (Modena 2013) |
- 08.10.2018 -
Nano scientists ready to gather in Pisa The researchers of the CNR Nanoscience Institute will meet for the 3rd NanoMeeting in Pisa on October 29-30, 2018 in the Sala Azzurra of the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa.
The meeting will offer the Institute researchers the chance of meeting and discuss their scientific results and interests and hopefully build and strengthen collaborations. The rich program (22 oral presentations, 45 posters, and a focus on the technology transfer) has been thought to push the work if younger scienti [more]
Foto: Il Prof. Cecconi nel suo laboratorio [courtesy Unimore] |
- 05.10.2018 -
Le tecniche dei Nobel sviluppate anche dai fisici modenesi Il Nobel a Arthur Ashkin, uno dei tre assegnati per la Fisica, premia l’invenzione delle pinzette ottiche (“optical tweezers”). L’idea del Prof. Ashkin è stata quella di usare la luce per intrappolare e spostare delle micro-particelle, che possono così funzionare come “pinzette” per manipolare la materia in maniera ultra-precisa su scala nanometrica (milionesimi di millimetro).
Questa idea, nata alla fine degli anni 80, è stata il punto di partenza di ricerche di avanguardia in a [more]
- 28.09.2018 -
CnrNano alla Notte dei ricercatori 2018 L'Istituto Nanoscienze anche quest’anno partecipa all’appuntamento della Notte dei Ricercatori, l'evento europeo dedicato a sensibilizzare i cittadini alla scienza e alle sue ricadute. Simone Zanotto, Gian Michele Ratto e il gruppo di Andrea Camposeo saranno a BRIGHT, l'evento toscano che si svolge all’Area della Ricerca Cnr di Pisa il 28 settembre.
Simone Zanotto e Gian Michele Ratto sono tra i protagonisti del Bright Tech Talk, l’evento novità di quest'anno che vede avvicen [more]
Foto: Simone Sprio [courtesy Greenbone Ortho srl] |
- 25.09.2018 -
S3 SEMINAR Simone Sprio Date and Time: Tuesday September 25, 2018 - 15.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Simone Sprio ISTEC-CNR
Title: Biomimetic materials and technologies to develop bioactive scaffolds for muskuloskeletal tissues regeneration
Abstract: cientific research in material science is increasingly devoted to new biomaterials for musculoskele [more]
- 21.09.2018 -
COLLOQUIA 2018: NEST Seminar De Simoni Date and Time: Friday September 21, 2018 - 15.00
Venue: NEST Seminar Room
Speaker: Giorgio De Simoni
Title: Metallic supercurrent field-effect transistors
Host: Fabio Taddei [more]
- 10.09.2018 -
10th International Workshop on Nanoscale Spectroscopy and Nanotechnology NSS10 is a biennial meeting series that brings together experts to
discuss and share information on latest research advances of science and
technology in the nanoscale regime including (but not limited to)
electronic, optical, magnetic, mechanical and transport properties of
nanoscale systems and nanoscale devices, as well as characterisation
tools to study them. It will additionally focus on low dimensional
materials, catalysis, energy materials, topological materials and their
pr [more]
Link http://www.nss10.com/ |
Foto: Lucia Reining [courtesy ETSF] |
- 07.09.2018 -
S3 SEMINAR Lucia Reining Date and Time: Friday September 7, 2018 - 15.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Lucia Reining (ETSF Centre for Users and Technology)
Title: Coupling of excitations: how to describe dynamical effects in electronic spectra?
Abstract:Density functional theory and many-body perturbation theory based on Green's functions are powerful a [more]
- 03.09.2018 -
Excitonic insulator: New perspectives in long-range interacting systems WORKSHOP
Location: CECAM-HQ-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Fifty years ago a few outstanding physicists, including Leonid Keldysh and the Nobel prize recipient Walter Kohn, put forward a heretic paradigm of a strongly correlated insulator [1-3]: If a narrow-gap semiconductor (or a semimetal with slightly overlapping conduction and valence bands) failed to fully screen its intrinsic charge carriers, then excitons---electron-hole pairs bound together by Coulomb attrac [more]
Link https://www.cecam.org/workshop-1562.html |
- 10.07.2018 -
FEBIP 2018 Workshop The 7th International Workshop on Focused Electron Beam-Induced Processing (FEBIP) will be held in Modena (Italy) from 10 to 13 of July 2018.
It will bring together the scientific community using focused electron and ion beams for direct nanofabrication, through gas-assisted deposition and etching.
Important dates:
-Abstract submission Deadline: May 8 -Notification of Acceptance: May 18 -Early-bird Registration Deadline: May 28 -Late Registration Deadl [more]
Link http://web.nano.cnr.it/FEBIP2018-Modena/ |
- 29.06.2018 -
S3 Seminar Enzo Rotunno Date and Time: Friday June 29, 2018 - 11.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Enzo Rotunno
Title: Controlling the propagation along atomic columns by intelligent electron beam shaping
Abstract:Most of the beams used so far in electron microscopy are normally shaped by a hard aperture whose radius is selected in order to limit the aberra [more]
- 29.06.2018 -
NEST SEMINAR Xiulai Xu Date and time: Friday June 29, 2018 - 15.00
Venue: NEST Seminar room
Speaker: Xiulai Xu (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)
Title: Quantum state control in single quantum dots and the coupling with photonic crystal cavities
Hosted by: Francesco Rossella [more]
Foto: Dr. Leon Islas [courtesy: Departamento de Fisiologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma Mexico] |
- 28.06.2018 -
S3 Seminar Leon Islas Date and Time: Thursday June 28, 2018 - 12.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Leon Islas Departamento de Fisiología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de México, México
Title: Irreversible gating transitions in TRPV1 ion channels
Temperature activated TRP channels or thermoTRPs ar [more]
- 28.06.2018 -
Nano Colloquia 2018 S3 Seminar Rosa Di Felice Date and Time: Thursday June 28,2018 - 15.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Rosa Di Felice CNR Nano and Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
Title: Elucidating binding mechanisms of class 2 CRISPR/CAs9 complexes by molecular dynamics simulations
Abstract:The RNA-guided endonuclea [more]
Foto: Dr. Tamara Rosenbaum [courtesy : Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico] |
- 27.06.2018 -
S3 Seminar Tamara Rosenbaum Date and Time: Wednesday June 27 , 2018 - 15:00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Tamara Rosenbaum
Departamento de Neurociencia Cognitiva, Instituto de Fisiología Celular, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de México, México
Title:The link between pain, itch, fatty acids and TRPV1
The activity of ion ch [more]
- 26.06.2018 -
S3 Seminar Federico Grasselli Date and Time: Tuesday June 26, 2018 - 11.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Federico Grasselli SISSA, Trieste
Title: Electric conductivity and charge-transport quantization in ionic fluids
Abstract:The Green-Kubo theory of linear response[1] allows to extract the electric (ionic) conductivity of electronically insulating fluids fr [more]
Foto: Jia Grace Lu [courtesy of University of Southern California] |
- 25.06.2018 -
S3 Seminar Jia Grace Lu Date and Time: Monday June 25, 2018 - 15.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Jia Grace Lu Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
Title: Synthesis and characterization of semiconductor nanowires
Abstract:This presentation will give an overview of semiconductor nanowires, including met [more]
- 19.06.2018 -
NIPROGEN: nuovi materiali bioispirati che rigenerano l’osso Martedì 19 giugno 2018 c/o Sala Conferenze ROMAGNA TECH - Via Granarolo, 62 - 48018 Faenza (RA)
CONFERENZA: NIPROGEN: nuovi materiali bioispirati che rigenerano l’osso
La medicina rigenerativa è una disciplina che punta a creare nuove terapie in grado di ripristinare il completo benessere del paziente mediante rigenerazione di tessuti danneggiati con tutte le loro funzionalità. Il trattamento di problemi legati alla traumatologia come la rigenerazione di [more]
- 18.06.2018 -
S3 Seminar Filippo Troiani Date and Time: Monday June 18, 2018 - 15.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Filippo Troiani
Title: Single-spin measurements and their possible application in quantum magnetometry
In the last years, it has become possible to read out the state of single electron spins, both in molecular and solid-state systems. E [more]
Foto: Dr Chris Lorenz [courtesy: King's College London] |
- 15.06.2018 -
S3 Seminar Chris Lorenz Date and Time: Friday June 15, 2018 - 11.00
Venue: S3 seminar room, third floor, Physics building, FIM Department
Title: Investigating the beginnings of fibronectin fibrillogenesis on different interfaces
Speaker: Chris Lorenz Biophysics & Soft Matter Research Group
Department of Physics, King’s College London, UK
Abstract:Fibronectin (FN) is a large extracellular matrix gl [more]
- 14.06.2018 -
S3 Seminar Fabrizio Santoro Date and time: Thursday June 14, 2018 - 12.00
Venue: S3 Seminar room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Fabrizio Santoro, CNR-ICCOM, Pisa
Title: Modelling vibronic spectra and the dynamics of non-radiative processes: From fully quantum to mixed quantum-classical approaches for nuclei
Quantum vibronic effects have a remarkable impact on the lin [more]
- 13.06.2018 -
S3 Seminar Hender Lopez Date and Time: Wednesday June 13, 2018 - 11.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics building, FIM Department
Speaker: Hender Lopez
Institut für Angewandte Physik, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen and Institut Laue-Langevin
Title: Coarse-grained modelling of the bionano interface
Abstract: We present a framework for coarse-grained modelling of the interface
- 08.06.2018 -
S3 Seminar Koichi Yamashita Date and Time: Friday June 8, 2018 - 11.00
Venue: S3 Seminar room, third floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Title: Charge Separation and Charge Carrier Trapping of Lead Iodide Perovskites
Speaker: Koichi Yamashita
Department of Chemical System Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan
Abstract: Th [more]
- 07.06.2018 -
Nano Colloquia 2018 S3 Seminar RITA MAGRI Date and Time: Thursday June 07, 2018 - 15.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Rita Magri
Title: Simulating processes at surfaces: growth and catalysis
Abstract: This talk will review my research work of the last few years. Starting from the general concepts at the basis of material growth models I will show how they have been app [more]
Foto: M. S. Vitiello receives the Prize |
Foto: Marco Govoni [courtesy The Galli Group, University of Chicago] |
- 21.12.2017 -
S3 Seminar Marco Govoni Date: Thursday December 21, 2017 - 15.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Marco Govoni (Argonne National Laboratory and University of Chigcago)
Title: Large Scale Many-Body Perturbation Theory Calculations: Software, Data and Applications
Affiliation: Institute for Molecular Engineering and Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory
and Institute for Molecular Engineering, The University of Chica [more]
Info ivan.marri@nano.cnr.it Link http://galligroup.uchicago.edu/People/mgovoni.php |
Foto: Diego Trancanelli [courtesy Univesrity of Sao Paulo] |
- 21.12.2017 -
S3 Seminar Diego Trancanelli Date: Thursday December 21 2017 - 12.30
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department
Speaker: Diego Trancanelli
(Department of Mathematical physics, Institute of Physics, University of Sao Paulo, Brasil)
Title: Holography and the emergence of spacetime
Our point of view on spacetime has evolved along the centuries: from the Newtonian fixed stage where physics takes place, it was promoted by Einstein [more]
Info olindo.corradini@unimore.it Link http://fma.if.usp.br/~dtrancan/ |
Foto: Vadim Kharpai [courtesy Institute of Solid State Physics RAS · Laboratory of Electron Kinetics LEK] |
Foto: Prof. Rebecca Wade [courtesy HITS] |
- 20.12.2017 -
S3 Seminar Rebecca Wade Date: Wednesday December 20 - 11.00
Venue: S3 Seminar Room, Third floor, Physics building, FIM Department
Speaker: Prof. Rebecca Wade
Molecular and Cellular Modeling Group Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS)
Center for Molecular Biology of Heidelberg University (ZMBH)
Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany
Title: Brownian dynamics simulation of the diffusional association [more]
Info Rebecca.Wade@h-its.org Link https://www.h-its.org/en/research/mcm/ |
Foto: Prof. Michele Piana [courtesy University of Genova] |
- 20.11.2017 -
Nest Seminar Date: Monday 20 November 2017 - 12:00
Venue: NEST seminar room
Speaker:Michele Piana
(Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Genova)
Title:Computational methods for data analysis in physics and physiology
Host: Gian Michele Ratto gianmichele.ratto@nano.cnr it [more]
Link http://www.dima.unige.it/~piana/ |
Foto: Hervé Courtois Prof. [courtesy University Grenoble Alpes] |
- 16.11.2017 -
Nest Seminar Hervé Courtois Date & Venue:Thursday 16 November 2017 - 15:00
NEST seminar room
Speaker:Hervé Courtois (Institut Néel, CNRS et Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France)
Title:Thermal Conductance of a Single-Electron Transistor
The flow of heat at the microscopic level is a fundamentally important issue, in particular if it can be converted into free energy via thermoelectric effects. The ability of most conductors to sustain heat flow is linked to the elec [more]
Info stefan.heun@nano.cnr.it Link http://neel.cnrs.fr/?lang=fr |
Foto: Cnr Nano #weAreHPC |
Foto: Dr Tim Gould [courtesy Griffith University Australia] |
Foto: Prof. Liliana Arrachea [courtesy Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina] |
- 03.11.2017 -
Nest Seminar Liliana Arrachea NEST Seminar
Friday 3 November 2017 - 11:00
Venue: NEST seminar room
Speaker: Liliana Arrachea
Affiliation: Departamento de Fisica, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Title: “Fractional spin and Josephson effect in time-reversal-invariant topological superconductors”
Time reversal invariant topological superconducting (TRITOPS) wires are known to host a fractional spin hbar/4 at their ends. We investigate how this fractional [more]
Info fabio.taddei@nano.cnr.it Link https://www.pks.mpg.de/~arrachea/ |
Foto: Physical picture at the basis of phase-coherent caloritronics (Courtesy Nature Nanotechnology, https://goo.gl/5TqbbA) |
- 31.10.2017 -
Nature Nanot. perspective on caloritronics
In a perspective article in the journal Nature Nanotechnology, Francesco Giazotto and Antonio Fornieri from CnrNano illustrate the chances and challenges of Phase-coherent caloritronics, an emerging field of nanoscience based on the ability to control and manipulate heat currents thanks to the long-range phase coherence of the superconducting condensate.
Read the complete article
Host: Elisa Molinari
Link http://www.esrf.eu/home.html |
Foto: Roman lapidary, Museum Palace, Modena |
Foto: Immagine da UniTn: https://goo.gl/bMbzF4 |
Foto: Printable graphene inks enable ultrafast lasers in the terahertz range (graphene-flagship.eu) |
- 12.09.2017 -
Graphene based Terahertz Absorbers Graphene Flagship researches from CNR-Istituto Nanoscienze, and the University of Cambridge, UK, have shown that it is possible to create a terahertz saturable absorber using graphene produced by liquid phase exfoliation and deposited by transfer coating and ink jet printing. The paper, published in Nature Communications, reports a terahertz saturable absorber with an order of magnitude higher absorption modulation than other devices produced to date.
“We started working on saturable te [more]
Link https://graphene-flagship.eu/graphene-based-terahertz-absorbers |
Foto: Prof. L. Grill (courtesy www.nanograz.com) |
Foto: A special issue of Macromolecular Materials and Engineering presents recent progress in electrospinning technologies and nanofiber utilization |
Foto: Left to right: E. Strambini, A. Fornieri, F. Giazotto, A. Ronzani |
Foto: Prof. J. Jung. [Source: http://en.hfnl.ustc.edu.cn] |
- 24.07.2017 -
NEST Seminar: prof. Jeil Jung Prof. Jeil Jung (Department of Physics, University of Seoul, Seoul 02504, Korea)
24/07/2017, 11:00 @ NEST Seminar room
"Moire superlattices in Dirac crystals"
Abstract: When 2D materials are layered to form a vertical heterostructure they often form incommensurable noncrystals that exhibit long-period moire patterns
when examined with scanning probes. In this presentation I will give an overview of methodology that uses information obtained from ab initio calculations p [more]
Info stefan.heun@nano.cnr.it Link http://www.nano.cnr.it/?mod=men&id=116 |
Foto: Caterina Cocchi [courtesy Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin] |
Foto: Image courtesy of R. Gebauer and Quantum Espresso |
Foto: Dr. Michele Amato (courtesy of etsf.polytechnique.fr) |
- 12.07.2017 -
S3 Seminar: M. Amato Michele Amato, de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies (C2N), Université Paris-Sud, Orsay (France)
'Crystal phase effects in group IV nanowire polytypes and their homojunctions'
Wednesday July 12, 2017 – 11.00 @ S3 Seminar Room, Modena
Crystal structure and interface engineering are acquiring an increasing importance in nanoscience because of their enormous potential to conceive new properties and functionalities [1]. As for nanowires (NWs), the emerge [more]
Info stefano.ossicini@unimore.it Link http://etsf.polytechnique.fr/People/Michele |
Foto: Molecular spin transistor, formed by a TbPc2 molecule inserted between two gold electrodes. |
Foto: logo radio 24 |
Foto: R. Rurali, courtesy of http://icmab.es/ |
- 28.06.2017 -
S3 Seminar: R. Rurali Riccardo Rurali, Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
Thermal conductivity by design of semiconducting nanowires and other nanostructures
30/6/2017 – 11.00 Seminar Room, S3 Cnr Nano, Physics Building, Unimore
Host: Stefano Ossicini
The operation principle of electronic devices is the control, in a broad sense, of the flow of charge carriers through a channel whose conductivity can be tuned by means of doping and ap [more]
Info segreteria.s3@nano.cnr.it Link http://www.nano.cnr.it/?mod=men&id=116 |
Foto: Zobelli (© https://www.stem.lps.u-psud.fr/users/zobelli) |
- 15.06.2017 -
S3 Seminar: A. Zobelli Alberto Zobelli, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université Paris Sud, Orsay (France)
15/6/2017 – 15.00 Seminar Room, S3 Cnr Nano, Physics Building, Unimore
Host: Stefano Ossicini
New generation of spectro-microscopies in scanning transmission electron microscopes (STEM) can provide a closer look to the topology, chemistry and optics response of individual nanostructures. Bidimensional materials are the ideal systems to test ultimate performance [more]
Info stefano.ossicini@unimore.it Link https://www.stem.lps.u-psud.fr/users/zobelli |
- 15.06.2017 -
Nano Colloquia: Pauli Virtanen Thursday 15 June 2017 - 11:00 - NEST seminar room
Pauli Virtanen (NEST, NANO-CNR)
“Spin pumping and torque statistics in the quantum noise limit”
We analyze the statistics of charge and energy currents and spin torque in a metallic nanomagnet coupled to a large magnetic metal via a tunnel contact. We derive a Keldysh action for the tunnel barrier, describing the stochastic currents in the presence of a magnetization precessing with the rate ?. In con [more]
Info fabio.taddei@nano.cnr.it Link http://www.nano.cnr.it/?mod=men&id=277 |
Foto: Dr. Valerio Bellini |
- 07.06.2017 -
Nano Colloquium: V. Bellini Valerio Bellini, CNR - NANO S3, Modena, Italy
"Magnetic molecules on surfaces: a DFT look into molecular spintronics"
7/7/2017 – 15.00 at Seminar Room, S3 Cnr Nano, Physics Building, Unimore
Abstract: One of the main research lines in magnetism is to embed the spin degrees of freedom into a molecular unit, taking advantage of the monodispersity of an ensemble of synthesized molecules with identical properties. The field of molecular spintronics a [more]
Info massimo.rontani@nano.cnr.it Link http://www.nano.cnr.it/?mod=men&id=277 |
Foto: THz device |
Foto: Prof. Cassinese (© http://orbitaly.com/) |
- 06.06.2017 -
S3 Seminar: A. Cassinese Prof. Antonio Cassinese, CNR-SPIN and Physics Department, University of Naples, Italy
"Organic Films Deposited by Supersonic Molecular Beam Deposition"
6/6/2017 - 15.00 - Seminar Room, S3 Cnr Nano, Physics Building, Unimore Host: Arrigo Calzolari Abstract
In a Supersonic Molecular Beam Deposition (SuMBD) system, molecules are seeded in a hyperthermal carrier gas flow which, in specific conditions, is able to strongly accelerate them. In this w [more]
Info arrigo.calzolari@nano.cnr.it Link http://www.nano.cnr.it/?mod=men&id=116 |
Foto: Benedetta Casu (© https://twitter.com/plastic_spin) |
- 06.06.2017 -
S3 Seminar: B. Casu Prof. Benedetta Casu, Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Tübingen, Germany
Plastic spins: approaching spins in purely organic materials
7/6/2017 - 12.00, Seminar Room, S3 Cnr Nano, Physics Building, Unimore
The success of organic electronics is a reality that brought new devices on the market over a short period of time since the demonstration of the first device. Thus, organic thin films and organic/inorganic interface [more]
Info arrigo.calzolari@nano.cnr.it Link http://www.nano.cnr.it/index.php?mod=men&id=116 |
Foto: Prof. Jurgen Smet (© https://www.fkf.mpg.de/) |
- 05.06.2017 -
NEST Seminar: Jurgen Smet Dr. Jurgen Smet (Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart)
Nest seminar room at 11.00
Title: Squeezing the best out of graphene: graphene hybrid architectures
Almost any superlative one can think of has been deployed to describe the physical properties of graphene. Among others, its electronic conductivity has been praised to surpass that of copper at room temperature. However, laboratory tests yield a more sobering, differentiated picture. While it [more]
Info francesco.giazotto@nano.cnr.it |
Foto: Khatuna Kahkiani (© http://www.rwth-aachen.de) |
- 18.05.2017 -
Nano colloquium: K. Kahkiani Khatuna Kakhiani (NEST, NANO-CNR)
Title: “Manipulating graphene morphology: theory and computer simulations”
Nest seminar room in Pisa, @11.00 am
Graphene’s strength and extreme flexibility allow sustaining ripples in a wide range of amplitudes and wavelengths. This circumstance can be exploited for applications: ripples produce a modulation of the local curvature in a considerable range, which in turn is strongly correlated with the stability of hydrogen ch [more]
Info fabio.taddei@nano.cnr.it Link www.nano.cnr.it |
Foto: Dr. Letizia Allegra Mascaro |
- 17.05.2017 -
NEST Seminar: dr. L. A. Mascaro 17/05/2017 Dr. Letizia Allegra Mascaro
Institute of Neuroscience, Pisa and LENS, Firenze
"In vivo imaging of rehabilitation-induced cortical plasticity after stroke"
Wednesday 17 May 2017 @ 11:00 - NEST Seminar Room
Neuro-rehabilitation is one of the most effective treatment for recovering motor deficits in stroke patients. Nevertheless, the neural basis of recovery associated with rehabilitative intervention is debated. We are interested in studying the multiple facets [more]
Info gianmichele.ratto@nano.cnr.it Link http://www.nano.cnr.it/index.php?mod=men&id=116 |
Foto: Prof. Umberto Muscatello |
- 12.05.2017 -
Scomparsa prof. Muscatello E' con grande dolore che comunichiamo la improvvisa scomparsa del Professor Umberto Muscatello, Professore Emerito dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e associato al nostro Centro sin dalla sua istituzione. Lo avrete sicuramente visto frequentare i nostri laboratori, i nostri seminari e i nostri momenti conviviali. Il Prof. Muscatello era di formazione medica ma ha sempre avuto una grande sensibilità per un approccio multidisciplinare nei diversi campi della ricerca, soprattutto pe [more]
Link http://www.newmagazine.unimore.it/site/home/notizie/articolo820038678.html |
Foto: Prof. Sergio D'Addato |
- 02.05.2017 -
NANO Colloquia: S. D'Addato Sergio D'Addato, Dip. FIM Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e CNR - NANO S3, Modena
"Physical synthesis of nanoparticles: some case studies for a rational design of advanced materials"
Wednesday May 3, 2017 – 15.00
Seminar Room, S3 Cnr Nano, Physics Building, Unimore
Synthesis, study and applications of NanoParticles (NPs) have been playing a major role in material science and technology over the last 20 years, although some important exam [more]
Info sergio.daddato@unimore.it Link http://www.nano.cnr.it/index.php?mod=men&id=277 |
- 02.05.2017 -
Simone Zanotto's PhD on Meta Publishing
Simone Zanotto's PhD thesis "Intersubband polaritons in photonic crystal cavities" has been published and highlighted on META Publishing, an open access platform dedicated to Electromagnetics and Photonics. Zanotto, who works as a researcher at CnrNano in collaboration with Scuola Normale Superiore, in his thesis demonstrated how to realize the strong light-matter coupling in a photonic crystal resonator, a tool that holds great promises for the next generation of mid-infrared light sourc [more]
Info simone.zanotto@nano.cnr.it Link http://metapublishing.org/index.php/MP/catalog/book/45 |
Foto: Prof. Stefano Baroni |
- 27.04.2017 -
PhD Course in Modena by Stefano Baroni, Sissa from 28/4/2017 Prof. Stefano Baroni, from Sissa Trieste, will start his course on April 28 at 2 pm, Aula A, Physics Building, Unimore.
Title: "Classical and quantum linear response: from lattice dynamics, to optical spectroscopy, and thermal transport"
1. Mathematical prelude: functionals and functional derivatives.
2. The (generalized) Helmann-Feynman theorem; perturbation theory; response versus fluctuations in classical and quantum mech [more]
Info elisa.molinari@unimore.it |
Foto: Prof. L.W. Molekamp |
Foto: Prof. C. Molteni |
Foto: H2020 MaX materials at the exascale Centre of Excellence |
- 21.03.2017 -
ESP 2017 announced. The 17th congress of the European society for photobiology will be held in Pisa on 4-8/09/2017 under the aegis of Cnr, Pisa Cnr Campus and Pisa University and municipality.
The meeting, structured in keynote lectures, symposia and poster presentations, will provide an important forum for the dissemination of new research and technological development in the science of photobiology. This transdisciplinary field encompasses scientific, technological and medical aspects, and impacts the civil [more]
Info francesco.ghetti@nano.cnr.it Link http://pisa2017.photobiology.eu/ |
- 12.03.2017 -
IN THE MEDIA: Women and science, against prejudice In a very interesting inteview on Radio1 LIFE OBIETTIVO BENESSERE, Elisa Molinari higlighted the need to encourage and promote the woman careers in science and technology. On the occasion of the International Women's Day, Molinari stressed the important contributes brought to scientific enterprise by women and added: "Having more women in science labs is not only a way to give women new opportunities but also a way to enhance the working environment and the scientific research itself". [more]
Link https://tinyurl.com/j5rj8yw |
Foto: Quantum workshop |
- 26.02.2017 -
CnrNano Quantum Technology workshop
Cnr Nano S3 organized an Institute workshop on Quantum Technology, in Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, on the 21st of February.
The aim of the workshop was to review the activities that are currently going on in the Institute in the areas of quantum information, sensing and metrology, and in related areas. Besides, the workshop was meant as an occasion to elaborate common strategies in view of the forthcoming European calls within the Quantera network and the Quantum Technologies Flagship. Th [more]
Foto: Courtesy of 11defebrero.org |
Foto: Let's make some graphene! |
- 04.01.2017 -
MaX meeting in Trieste Jan. 10-11, 2017 New materials are our gateway to technology. From airplanes to X rays, from smartphones to servers to access the web, everything we use daily has something to do with new materials. It has always been so: the leading material of an era’s technology has always named the ages in homo sapiens’s history, i.e. Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age. Nowadays, we live in the silicon era and have found a new way of designing new materials: the so-called “in silico” experiments. We know the microscopic [more]
Info info@max-center.eu Link http://www.max-centre.eu/max-meeting-trieste/ |
Foto: |
- 07.12.2016 -
2016 NANO SEED grantees The first Nano Seed grantees have been chosen by a panel of international evaluators.
As from the call, they are fixed-term researchers who already work in the Institute and will receive a budget to develop and independent research for one year.
The projects will be presented at the next Institute meeting. The recipients are A. Ghirri, F. Telesio, V. Zannier, and G. Brancolini. [more]
Link http://www.nano.cnr.it/index.php?mod=men&id=264 |
Foto: Vitiello and Corni at the Scientific Café |
Foto: Andrea Camposeo |
- 15.09.2016 -
CMD26 EPS poster prize goes to a Nano PhD student Maria Celeste Maschio, a Unimore and Cnr Nano PhD student, was awarded the "EPS poster prize" at the recent CMD26 (EPS Condensed Matter Division conference), held in Groningen (NL) from Sept. 4 to 9, 2016. The poster "Beta2-microglobulin amyloidosis: a molecular dynamics investigation of the DeltaN6 variant" was coauthored by Nano researchers Giorgia Brancolini and Stefano Corni. [more]
Info stefano.corni@nano.cnr.it Link http://cmd26.eu/ |
- 08.07.2016 -
Materials.it 2016 Materials.it 2016 (December 12-16, 2016 in Aci Castello, Sheraton Catania Hotel) will be the first Italian National Conference on Materials Science and Technology. This conference represents a great opportunity to gather the large community of scientists involved in materials science and related applications, working at Universities and Research Institutions. This first edition is promoted by the Physics and Chemistry Departments of the National Research Council of Italy, with the support of the [more]
Info materials2016@cnism.it Link http://eventi.cnism.it/materials2016 |
- 29.06.2016 -
Electrospin 2016 conference in Otranto The 4th International Conference on Electrospinning 2016 is taking place (June 28- July 1) in Otranto. Electrospin 2016 follows the previous conferences which took place in Melbourne (2010), Jeju (2012), and San Francisco (2014). This biennial event has become the premiere venue for the presentation and discussion of the most recent scientific and technological advances in the areas of electrospinning, polymer nanofibers, and related applications.
The conference is organized by Universit [more]
Link http://conference.unisalento.it/ocs/index.php/electrospin/electrospin2016 |
- 24.06.2016 -
SINFO Workshop + exhibition The 3rd edition of the scientific workshop 'Surfaces, Interfaces and Functionalization Processes in Organic Compounds and Applications' (SINFO), will take place at the University Federico II of Naples on June 27th to 29th .
The workshop, organized by the National Research Council (Cnr-Imem, Cnr-Imm, Cnr-Ism, Cnr-Iom, Cnr-Nano, Cnr-Spin, Cnr-Ismn), will be attended by internationally renowned scientists and it represents an important opportunity to share the latest informat [more]
Info organics@spin.cnr.it Link http://www.organics2016.spin.cnr.it/ |
- 28.04.2016 -
CnrNano accompagna la proiezione del film su Majorana
Nessuno mi troverà - Majorana Memorandum, è il film-documentario di Egidio Eronico su Ettore Majorana, il fisico italiano scomparso il 26 marzo del 1938, a soli 31 anni, senza lasciare traccia né spiegazioni. Un mistero che resta ancora tale, nonostante tante ipotesi in merito. Nell’occasione della promozione il film è accompagnato in alcune proiezioni da ricercatori del Cnr che commenteranno i contenuti scientifici e la figura di Majorana scienziato insieme al regista Egidio Ero [more]
Info comunicazione@nano.cnr.it |
Foto: Niccola Funel, Ranieri Bizzarri and Elisa Giovannetti from DIAMANTE research team |
- 22.04.2016 -
DIAMANTE, a pancreatic cancer treatment project, just launched CnrNano is a partner of DIAMANTE, a molecular diagnostic project aimed at optimizing a personalized therapeutic choice pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, launched under the Regione Toscana "Fas Grant". The project involves five partners: the University of Pisa, the CnrNano institute, the Cnr Institute of Biomedical Technologies, the Center for Nanotechnology Innovation IIT @ NEST , and Scuola Normale Superiore , coordinated by Ugo Boggi, Professor of General Surgery at the University of Pisa. The [more]
Link http://www.ao-pisa.toscana.it/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6569&catid=41&Itemid=181 |
- 10.02.2016 -
Valentina Tozzini @ Colloquia 2016 Unipi "Colloquia 2016", martedi 23 febbraio, alle 15:00, in aula 131 (edificio C, piano terra), del Dipartimento di Fisica dell'università di Pisa la Dr.ssa Valentina Tozzini (Istituto Nanoscienze del Cnr e Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa) terrà un seminario dal titolo
Multi-scale simulations from bio-molecules to graphene
Starting from the half of the past century, the idea of multi-scale Simulations accompanied the era of computational chemistry and physics [more]
Info valentina.tozzini@nano.cnr.it |
Foto: Pseudo-colour scanning electron micrograph of the double-loop heat interferometer. |
- 09.12.2015 -
NEST Prize 2015
Scuola Normale Superiore and Laboratorio NEST present the NEST Prize 2015 for research in nanoscience. Sponsorized by Rivoira, the objective of the NEST Prize is to promote and recognise the activity of young scientists (less than 35 years old) working in Italy in the fields of nanoscience, represented by a submitted publication in the last two years on a peer review international journal in the field.
In order to apply researchers must be age 35 ore less, by the submission deadline fi [more]
Link http://www.laboratorionest.it/nest-prize/ |
- 01.12.2015 -
fisica@modena A workshop about physics alumni will be held in Modena, Physics Building of University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, on Dec. 18, 2015 from 10.30. It will offer the chance to people who studied physics in Modena to meet, to build a network of physicists who are outside academia and those who still work in research, of physicists who are in Modena and those who have left but still feel connected to their home department.
The workshop is also intended to celebrate prof. [more]
Info segreterias3@unimore.it Link ./upload/allegati/allegato/477.pdf |
- 23.09.2015 -
CnrNano researchers participate at the Researchers Night 2015
"Benvenuti a Flatlandia" è lo stand sul grafene e i materiali bidimensionali allestito dai ricercatori del laboratorio NEST (Scuola Normale, CnrNano e Cni-IIT), in Largo Ciro Menotti, nel centro di Pisa. Dalle 16 alle 22 presso lo stand i cittadini possono vedere campioni di grafene e scoprire con i ricercatori le eccezionali proprietà e le possibili applicazioni tecnologiche di questo materiale.
La Notte dei Ricercatori in Toscana è una fra le numerose iniziative organizzate per il [more]
Link www.bright2015.org/pisa.html |
Foto: |
- 21.07.2015 -
A successful Fosforene Day
A successful Fosforene Day was held in Florence on July 17, 2015. The Workshop dedicated to Phosphorene, the novel material similar to graphene, brought together more than fifty physicists and chemists to discuss research and innovation opportunities related to the "youngest" among the two-dimensional Graphene's cousin materials. In the recent months Phosphorene has in fact drawn the international scientific community interest.
Despite the hot day, a strong participation has [more]
Info comunicazione@nano.cnr.it Link http://www.dsftm.cnr.it/fosforene-day/ |
- 22.06.2015 -
Superslippery islands (but then they get stuck) A simple reversible process that changes friction in the nanoworld.
It’s possible to vary (even dramatically) the sliding properties of atoms on a surface by changing the size and “compression” of their aggregates: an experimental and theoretical study conducted with the collaboration of SISSA, Iom-Cnr, ICTP, the University of Padua, the University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, and the Istituto Nanoscienze of the CNR in Modena, has just been published in Nature Nanotechnology.
S [more]
Info comunicazione@nano.cnr.it |
- 17.03.2015 -
S3 Colloquia 2015 Colloquia by S3 researchers will be delivered weekly in order to inform the scientific community about ongoing research. We aim at fostering collaborations, developing new connections and boosting sense of belonging to a lively and groundbreaking scientific centre.
Talks will be held on Wednesdays at 15.00 in S3 Seminar Room. [more]
Info luisa.neri@nano.cnr.it Link ./upload/allegati/allegato/459.pdf |
- 12.03.2015 -
CnrNano researcher Miriam Vitiello wins SPIE Early Career Achievement Award Congratulations to Miriam Vitiello for winning the prestigious annual Early Career Achievement Award of SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics. The award recognizes outstanding individual and team technical accomplishments. Miriam's Early Career Achievement Award motivation recognizes "her outstanding results in research on semiconductor laser sources and electronic high frequency nanodetectors which have opened new frontiers in the Terahertz photonics and optoelectronics [more]
Link http://spie.org/x112992.xml?WT.mc_id=ZTWZ |
Foto: E. Karimi/Univ. of Ottawa - Electron Twisters. |
- 03.02.2015 -
Physics.aps highlights CnrNano research V. Grillo, S. Frabboni, and GC Gazzadi's PRL paper has been selected by Physics, the daily selection of papers from the APS journal collection. The article published with the title 'Big Twist for Electron Beam', posted in the "Focus section", explains how the CnrNano researchers and others generated an electron beam with very high orbital angular momentum, suitable to study magnetism in materials and for other fundamental research.
Here the links to read the full highlight [more]
Link http://physics.aps.org/articles/v8/7 |
- 12.01.2015 -
CECAM School The school Excitations in Realistic Materials using Yambo on Massively Parallel Architectures will take place from April 13 to April 17, 2015 at the CECAM headquarters in Lausanne (Switzerland).
The application deadline is on February 27, 2015.
This 5-day hands-on tutorial will provide training in the theory and practice of computing electronic and optical excitations within density functional and Green’s function approaches (GW, TDDFT and BSE). Lectures w [more]
Info daniele.varsano@nano.cnr.it Link http://www.yambo-code.org/events/lausanne2015/index.php |
- 22.12.2014 -
Quando la proteina non fa una piega Uno studio CnrNano individua traiettorie di ripiegamento errato della proteina NCS-1, presente nel cervello e legata a gravi disordini neurologici.
Alcune malattie neurodegenerative derivano dal ripiegamento non corretto di proteine che, oltre a perdere la loro attività funzionale, tendono ad aggregarsi in strutture fibrillari tossiche per le cellule neuronali. Uno studio coordinato da Ciro Cecconi dell'Istituto nanoscienze del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche (CnrNano) e dell'Univ [more]
Link https://www.pnas.org/content/111/36/13069 |
- 19.12.2014 -
Colloquia 2015 From January 2015, one researcher a month in Pisa NEST will present their work to colleagues, in a series of talk called "Colloquia 2015". The aim of these seminars is to make everyone aware of the research pursued by the young people that join NANO@NEST and possibly to trigger new collaborations among researchers. [more]
Info fabio.taddei@nano.cnr.it Link ./upload/allegati/allegato/443.pdf |
- 07.10.2014 -
Nano News - 10.2014 1. Printed Electronics Italy 2014 15 ottobre 2014 Milano
2. Premio Giovani Ricercatori Italiani
3. EUROMBE 2015 18th European Molecular Beam Workshop - Canazei 15-18 March, 2015
4. AMAM 2015 Applied Mineralogy & Advanced Materials International Conference
1. Printed Electronics Italy 2014 15 ottobre 2014 Milano. Check the new program.
per info: Dr. Alessandro Fraleoni Morgera alessand [more]
Info communications@nano.cnr.it |
- 23.09.2014 -
La nanoscienza entra in classe
Dai laboratori di ricerca ai laboratori scolastici, le nanoscienze entrano in classe. 'Alla scoperta della nanotecnologie', scritto da Guido Goldoni e Valentina De Renzi, entrambi del dipartimento di Fisica, informatica e matematica (Fim), dell'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e dell'Istituto nanoscienze (Nano) del Cnr, insieme con Annamaria Lisotti, insegnate di scuola superiore di Pavullo, è il primo libro in Italia che si propone di introdurre le nanoscienze nei curricula della scuol [more]
Link http://www.almanacco.cnr.it/reader/cw_usr_view_recensione.html?id_articolo=5933&giornale=5895 |
Foto: Dalton transactions 43, 10686 (2014) |
- 04.07.2014 -
Single molecule cooler of CnrNano researcher highlighted on SOLEIL Newsletter The work from a Cnr-Nano team in collaboration with University of Modena, using the DEIMOS beamline to investigate Gadolinium based materials (Gd4M8) deposited on a gold surface, is highlighted on the newsletter of the SOLEIL Synchrotron Facility. Researchers report a really efficient cooling systems at cryogenic temperatures, i.e. below -150°C.
Associated publication:
Corradini, V., Ghirri, A., Candini, A., Biagi, R., del Pennino, U., De Renzi, V., Dotti, G., Otero, E., Hooper, [more]
Link http://www.newsletter-soleil.fr/newsletters/2014_trim2/en/ |
Foto: Scienza in Centro… la scienza raccontata fuori dai laboratori |
- 11.06.2014 -
Una finestra con vista: la vita segreta del cervello
Gian Michele Ratto di CnrNano di Pisa terrà una conferenza pubblica dal titolo Una finestra con vista: la vita segreta del cervello, l'11 giugno 2014, ore 18, Sala Azzurra al Palazzo della Carovana. L'evento fa parte delle conferenza pubbliche di VIS, Immersioni Virtuali nella Scienza, il programma di Outreach della Scuola Normale Superiore.
"Tutto ciò che siamo e impariamo, e tutti i segni visibili che lasciamo sul mondo esterno sono dovuti a meccanismi invisibili che operano al [more]
Link http://vis.sns.it/mer-11-giugno-2014-biofisica/ |
- 14.05.2014 -
Scienza in centro
Si terrà il 14 maggio pv, alle ore 18.30, presso la Sala Open Space di Palazzo Carafa in piazza
Sant’Oronzo a Lecce, l’ottavo appuntamento con “Scienza in Centro… la scienza raccontata fuori dai laboratori”, la rassegna di incontri
divulgativi con cui il Laboratorio Nazionale di Nanotecnologie dell’Istituto Nanoscienze del CNR, in collaborazione con il Comune di Lecce - Ass [more]
Info gabriella.zammillo@nano.cnr.it Link http://www.nano.cnr.it/index.php?mod=new&id=102 |
Foto: "Genetica e diabete, un paradigma di buona scienza ma anche di...pibblicità ingannevole" |
Foto: "Viaggio oltre le colonne d’Ercole… il ruolo delle tecnologie avanzate nella conquista dello spazio" |
- 06.03.2014 -
Science-cafè: Graphene from lab to supermarket On March 6th, Valentina Tozzini and Vittorio Pellegrini will meet the public during a Science Cafè in Geno and illustrate graphene’s unique combination of superior properties and explain how the Graphene Flagship, the new European initiative of unprecedented scale, is tasked of taking graphene from the realm of academic laboratories into European society. The event is organized by IIT. [more]
Foto: "La madre di tutte le particelle: il bosone di Higgs e la fisica del futuro" |
Foto: Back Cover Image: L. Persano et al. |
- 24.01.2014 -
ERC Grant to Francesco Giazotto of CnrNano Francesco Giazotto from CnrNano Pisa has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grants, a new funding frame dedicated to mid-career excellent researchers. Giazotto's project, COMANCHE (COherent MANipulation and Control of HEat in solid-state nanostructures), will investigate the effects of control, measure, distribution and conversion of heat in nanoscale devices, paving the way to a new branch of physics: the coherent caloritronics. Starting May 2014, the project involves a team of four researchers. [more]
Link http://t.ymlp342.net/yhwataueybqaraeualaumwjj/click.php |
Foto: “Un battito di ciglia. La tecnologia nella ricerca della performance sportiva” |
Foto: “La scienza è nella nostra vita” |
- 27.11.2013 -
Studiare la vita attraverso le immagini Come è possibile osservare in maniera diretta cosa avviene in una cellula? Ranieri Bizzarri di CnrNano illustrerà, in una conferenza pubblica, come le tecniche più avanzate della nanobiofisica permettono oggi ai ricercatori di vedere le biomolecole in azione, e addirittura di generare veri e propri film che mostrano processi biologici che avvengono nello spazio di pochi nanometri e che sono alla base della vita e delle patologie. Mercoledì 27 novembre, ore 17, presso AreaAperta del Cnr di Pi [more]
Link http://www.area.pi.cnr.it/areaperta/?q=node/1793 |
Foto: Scienza in centro |
- 04.11.2013 -
Dio gioca a dadi. La fisica quantistica: dai fondamenti al futuro del computer Prenderà il via il prossimo 4 novembre, “Scienza in Centro”, la nuova rassegna di incontri divulgativi con cui il Laboratorio Nazionale di Nanotecnologie dell’Istituto Nanoscienze del CNR, in collaborazione con il Comune di Lecce - Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili e Comunitarie, racconterà la scienza fuori dai luoghi in cui la si produce, con l’intento di fare del sapere scientifico un patrimonio di conoscenza alla portata di tutti.
Come nella passata edizione, il nuovo ciclo di [more]
Info gabriella.zammillo@nano.cnr.it |
- 30.09.2013 -
Three CnrNano scientists at Italian Academy @ Columbia University Giuseppe Gigli, Elisa Molinari and Vittorio Pellegrini are key speakers at the "Nanotechnology and Sustainability" conference at Columbia University hosted by hosted by the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, on October 2-3. Featuring invited lectures by leading scientists in the field from both Italy and the United States, the conference will present recent research in Nanotechnology, Materials, and Energy that has characterized scientific research in both countries, with special e [more]
Link http://www.italianacademy.columbia.edu/events-nano.html |
- 24.09.2013 -
CnrNano participates at the 2013 Researchers' Night On September 27, researchers form CnrNano Pisa will meet the public and show the research results on graphene. The initiative is within the 2013 Researchers Night event, a mega event taking place every year simultaneously in more than 300 European cities, to bring people closer to research. The venue in Pisa will be Centro Espositivo San Michele degli Scalzi, where science demo, short talk, and science cafés will take place in order to let people exploring science through fun learning. [more]
Link http://www.ricercatori.eu/pisa/ |
- 28.05.2013 -
Matematica Jazz: variazioni geometriche nell'arte dell'improvvisazione Si terrà Martedì 28 maggio pv alle ore 17.30, presso il Museo Provinciale Sigismondo Castromediano di Lecce, il prossimo appuntamento con cui il Laboratorio Nazionale di Nanotecnologia dell'Istituto Nanoscienze del CNR racconta la Scienza rivolgendosi al grande pubblico.
L'evento, che chiude il primo ciclo di incontri informali con cui ricercatori e scienziati hanno felicemente incoraggiato la curiosità dei partecipanti ad uscire allo scoperto e che si avvale della collaborazione dell'Asse [more]
Info gabriella.zammillo@nano.cnr.it |
- 20.05.2013 -
School of Photonics 2013 The objective of the school is to offer a wide perspective on those rapidly expanding areas of photonic research which are developing concepts and ideas closely related to electronic technologies. The link could be at the fundamental physics level, or in the chosen materials, or in the device implementations.
Attendance is limited to 60 participants. Early registration is recommended! [more]
Info a.tredicucci@sns.it Link http://web.nano.cnr.it/scuolafotonica2013 |
- 19.03.2013 -
Sindone: science or faith? On March 19, at 18.30 pm in the "Open Space" Room, Palazzo Carafa (entrance from Sant'Oronzo Square), Lecce, the fifth meeting of "La Scienza Spiegata (Science Explained)" will take place. Alessandro Paolo Bramanti (physicist, electronic engineer, researcher) and Daniele De Matteis (lawyer) will talk about "Sindone: science or faith?" "La scienza spiegata" is a series of informal meetings in which people have the chance to talk to scientists about the great scientific themes, in an informal way, [more]
Info gabriella.zammillo@nano.cnr.it |
- 20.02.2013 -
A journey through 'infinite worlds' On February 20, at 18.30 pm in the "Open Space" Room, Palazzo Carafa
(entrance from Sant'Oronzo Square), Lecce, the fourth meeting of "La
Scienza Spiegata (Science Explained)" will take place. Prof. Massimo
Capaccioli (University "Federico II" of Napoli) will talk about "A journey
through 'infinite worlds'".
"La scienza spiegata" is a series of informal meetings in which people
have the chance to talk to scientists about the great scientific themes,
in an informal way, as if sitting at a [more]
Info gabriella.zammillo@nano.cnr.it Link /upload/events/immagine/20.jpg |
- 25.01.2013 -
NanoBrain Kick-off meeting The NanoBrain project (within the frame of the Nanomax project) kick-off meeting will take place at NEST Pisa on February 14-15,2013.
Several scientists will meet to discuss how to deliver novel sensors for diagnosis and nano-sized carriers for drug delivery to the brain. Our goal is to foster the collaboration of three Institutes devoted to development of nanotechnology with the top CNR institute devoted to neuroscience research.
As the interdisciplinarity of our partnership is remarkable, [more]
Info gianmichele.ratto@sns.it Link http://www.nano.cnr.it/index.php?mod=men&id=205 |
Foto: NNL lab |
- 17.01.2013 -
Applicant Information for CNR-Nano (NNL)
Cnr-Nano NNL center is going to make an investment in several research posts, to drive forward important research activities in advanced photonics and optoelectronic devices.
The ideal candidates should hold a PhD or Msc. Degree in Physics, Chemistry, Material Science or Engineering.
The research appointments will be across a wide range of fields, such as organic/inorganic synthesis, fa [more]
- 11.01.2013 -
Absolute zero and the atom On January 14, at 7.00 pm in the "Open Space" Room, Palazzo Carafa (entrance from
Sant'Oronzo Square), Lecce, the third meeting of "La Scienza Spiegata (Science Explained)" will take place. Prof. Massimo Inguscio will talk about "Life as an atom on the side of the absolute zero".
"La scienza spiegata" is a series of informal meetings in which people have the chance to talk to scientists about the great scientific themes, in an informal way, as if sitting at a Science café. Scientists do [more]
Info gabriella.zammillo@nano.cnr.it |
- 10.12.2012 -
ERC-2012-StG-POLAFLOW Kick off meeting - Lecce The kick-off meeting of the ERC POLAFLOW - Polariton condensates: from fundamental physics to quantum based devices will take place in Lecce at CNR NANO NNL Center on Dec 13-14, 2012 under the coordination of Daniele Sanvitto, the Principal Investigator of the project. On the agenda, the presentation of the activities of the main groups forming the international team of the project (from CNR NANO NNL Center, the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (E) and the Foundation for Research and Technology-H [more]
Link http://www.nano.cnr.it/?mod=peo&id=237 |
- 07.12.2012 -
NEST PRIZE FOR NANOSCIENCE 2012 The prize is addressed to young researchers, who:
- must be under 35 years of age at the deadline (December 21, 2012),
- must have published at least a paper anout experimental Nanoscience in an international scientific journal between January 1, 2011 and November 30, 2012 as unique or first authors
Participants don't have to belong to the NEST laboratory but must have carried out their study in Italy.
Works submitted in earlier editions of this prize will not be taken into account.
T [more]
Link http://www.sns.it/ricerca/scienze/fisica/nest/premio/ |
- 28.11.2012 -
Nanotecnologie: polimeri come le dune del deserto Pubblicato su Nanotechnology un studio coordinato da CnrNano su un nuovo metodo per produrre ondulazioni regolari su superifici polimeriche, analoghe alle ondulazioni che si trovano in molti sistemi naturali, quali i deserti, i fondali marini o nella crescita dei cristalli con dimensioni di qualche decina di nanometri. La scoperta può aiutare la comprensione delle proprieta’ dei polimeri in sistemi confinati. [more]
Link http://www.cnr.it/cnr/news/CnrNews?IDn=2542 |
- 09.11.2012 -
CnrNano a Radio24 Sabato 10 novembre a Radio24 si parla della flaghisp europea dedicata al grafene e delle sue recenti applicazioni: pneumatici, touch screen, fino ai sensori per la sicurezza sviluppati dall'Istituto Nanoscienze
Ospiti Vittorio Pellegrini (CnrNano) e Andrea Ferrari (Cambridge University) in onda a Moebius Sabato 10 novembre ore 20:00 / Domenica 11 novembre ore 23:00 [more]
Link http://www.radio24.ilsole24ore.com/main.php?dirprog=Moebius |
- 05.11.2012 -
Science in investigation under investigation in Lecce On November 6, at 7.00 pm at Fondazione Palmieri - Vico dei Sotterranei in Lecce, Luciano Garofano, brigadier of Carabinieri, will talk about “Science in investigation”.
This in the second event of the series of informal meetings entitled "La Scienza Spiegata (Science Explained)", an event in which people will have the chance to talk to scientists about the great scientific themes, in an informal way, as if sitting at a Science café. Scientists will not teach or give a conference, but will [more]
Info gabriella.zammillo@nano.cnr.it Link http://eventi.liberrima.it/ |
- 22.10.2012 -
NanoCnr partecipa alla finale di Nanochallenge 2012 Il team Innova Nano, composto da Innova Onlus e Nano Cnr, è stato selezionato come finalista del Nanochallenge 2012, la business plan competition organizzata da Veneto Nanotech ed IMAST in collaborazione con Intesa Sanpaolo, che mette in palio finanziamenti per la creazione di due startup tecnologiche.
L’Evento di Selezione finale si svolgerà mercoledì 31 ottobre 2012 all'Università di Padova. Stefano Leporatti coordina la patecipazione dell'Istituto nanoscienze nel team Innova Nano. [more]
Link http://www.nanochallenge.com/ |
Foto: Cover Image: V. Voliani @ NEST; Artwork: L. Covi |
- 11.10.2012 -
Cnr Nano Scientific Report 2010-2012 is now available To sum up its early two years of research activity, the Nanoscience Institute of Cnr issues its first Activity Report.
The first Activity Report of CnrNano offers an overview of its activities and facilities, as well as of its main achievements in the first two years of research activity. A short description of a selection of the most interesting and innovative research results is given in the Highlights section, followed by facts and figures on the Institute life. Special attenti [more]
Info segreteria.s3@nano.cnr.it Link ./upload/allegati/allegato/193.pdf |
- 28.09.2012 -
Professione Fisica 2012
Il 12 e 13 novembre ritorna Professione Fisica, una iniziativa che mette in contatto studenti delle scuole superiori e dell'università con il mondo del lavoro dei laureati in fisica, per aiutare a scegliere il corso di laurea più adatto o per orientarsi nella scelta del settore lavorativo. Studenti e insegnanti potranno ascoltare la diretta esperienza dei professionisti. Gli studenti più interessati potranno poi 'provare' le diverse professioni, e gli insegnanti partecipare ad uno stage di [more]
Info info.physicscom@unimore.it Link http://physicscom.fisica.unimore.it/site/homepage/professione-fisica.html |
- 17.09.2012 -
Miriam Serena Vitiello (Nest) vince il premio SIF per la Fotonica La Società di Fisica Italiana (SIF) assegna a Miriam Serena Vitiello, giovane ricercatrice del Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche e Tecnologie della Materia del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, il premio “Sergio Panizza” dedicato all'eccellenza nel campo della Fotonica e Optoelettronica.
Vitiello, che lavora presso il laboratorio Nest di CnrNano e Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, in collaborazione con l’Istituto nazionale di ottica di Firenze (Ino-Cnr), si è aggiudicata il premio pe [more]
Link www.sif.it |
Foto: Experimental spectral function of doped graphene. [Adapted from A. Bostwick et al., Science 328, 999 (2010).] |
Foto: www.indexitn.eu |
Foto: http://physicscom.fisica.unimore.it |
- 08.02.2012 -
NEST Seminars We introduce the 2012 NEST Seminar Series.
16/02/2012 Oleg Mitrofanov (University College London, UK)"Mapping of Terahertz waves using near-field microscopy"
15/03/2012 March Felix von Oppen (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) "Majorana fermions and non-Abelian statistics in quantum wire networks"
19/04/2012 Igor Zozoulenko (Linköping University, Sweden) "Interacting electrons in graphene nanoribbons in high magnetic field"
8/05/2012 Carlo Beenakker (Leiden University,Th [more]
Info fabio.taddei@nano.cnr.it Link ./upload/allegati/allegato/125.pdf |
Foto: Prof. Jacoboni |
- 13.01.2012 -
Jacoboni Day Crescita, comunicazione e gestione del Sapere scientifico
Testimonianze e riflessioni su una realtà modenese: tributo all’attività del Prof. Carlo Jacoboni
Si svolgerà il 16/01/2012 presso il Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia una Giornata di studi in onore del Prof. Carlo Jacoboni, professore orfinario del Dip. di Fisica di Modena e associato a CNR-NANO. Il programma in allegato. [more]
Info rossella.brunetti@unimore.it Link ./upload/allegati/allegato/99.pdf |
Foto: ITN INDEX Logo |
- 28.11.2011 -
CNR NANO Seminar Series: Helmuth Möhwald The new Seminar organized by Nano Institute will be held by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Helmuth Möhwald, from Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam/Germany, who will talk about "Remote and Controlled Release from Polymeric Microcapsules for Biological and Materials Applications".
Micro- and nanocapsules can be prepared by coating a sacrificial template by a polyelectrolyte multilayer of defined thicknesss and composition. These systems are extremely versatile and multifunctio [more]
Info stefano.leporatti@unisalento.it |
Foto: |
Foto: Lucia Marra e Luana Persano |
- 03.10.2011 -
Due start-up CnrNano vincono la StartCup Puglia 2011 Due start-up realizzate da ricercatori di NNL - CnrNano vincono il premio StartCup Puglia2011, la competizione tra progetti di impresa innovativa organizzata dall'Agenzia Regionale per la Tecnologia e l'Innovazione. Si tratta di SM&T e MiGlas classificate rispettivamente al secondo e terzo posto.
SM&T Soft Materials and Technologies è un progetto per la produzione di sistemi micro e nano-strutturati per la rigenerazione di tessuti a partire da cellule staminali, rea [more]
Link http://www.startcup.puglia.it/ |
- 30.09.2011 -
FIRB project for Young Researcher awarded to NEST CNR researcher Marco Polini's project PLASMOGRAPH: Plasmons and Terahertz devices in graphene has been funded by MIUR through the highly competitive call of FIRB Futuro in Ricerca 2010. The call was addressed to young scientists who had an original and strong scientific plan in order to help them build a research group and develop their ideas. Dr. Polini's project PLASMOGRAPH targets the fundamental physical properties of "plasmons" in few-layer graphene-based systems. The final ai [more]
Info marco.polini@nano.cnr.it |
- 27.07.2011 -
NEST cutting-edge article in new SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, Nature group journal "The short-time structural plasticity of dendritic spines is altered in a model of Rett syndrome", S. Landi, E. Putignano, E. M. Boggio, M. Giustetto, T. Pizzorusso, and G. M. Ratto, Scientific Reports 1, 45 doi:10.1038/srep00045
The maturation of excitatory transmission comes about through a developmental period in which dendritic spines are highly motile and their number, form and size are rapidly changing. Surprisingly, although these processes are crucial for the formation of cortical [more]
Info gianmichele.ratto@nano.cnr.it Link http://www.nature.com/srep/2011/110725/srep00045/full/srep00045.html |
- 27.06.2011 -
PhD positions at NEST PhD positions in Physics available at NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR & Scuola Normale Superiore in the framework of the FP7 Project
Postition [more]
Info giazotto@sns.it Link http://www.nano.cnr.it/index.php?mod=men&id=131 |
Foto: Logo |
Foto: Villa Guinigi, Matraia (LU) |