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This research area is devoted to the investigation of quantum phenomena and systems with the aim of developing future solid-state quantum technology.


A. Hybrid and topologically-protected systems for solid-state quantum technology. Activities include: Majorana bound states in semiconducting nanowires; non-local entanglement in Cooper pair splitters and in superconducting quantum interferometers; edge states in the quantum Hall regime; single-photon sources in polymer nanofibers, and single-photon detectors based on topological meta-materials and hybrid photon-spin systems in the strong coupling regime, strong coupling between magnetic molecules and superconducting resonators; spin-chirality molecular qubits.


B. Spin qubit, Quantum sensors and heat manipulation. Activities include: the control of individual spins in nanowire-based quantum dots or single molecular spins, with a particular focus on quantum thermometry and heat engines; molecular spin doping of superconductors; superconducting spintronics; quantum thermodynamics and design of efficient quantum machines; coherent control of heat in nanostructures, local temperature sensors and quantum heat engines, read-out of single-molecule spin in graphene break junctions.


C. Quantum simulators, cryptography and computation. Activities include: Bose-Einstein condensates for intersubband polaritons for operation at at room temperature; modelling of quantum many-body systems, computers, and protocols for communication; open quantum systems, non-Markovian effects in communications, cascade quantum systems, quantum simulation with molecular spins; hyperfine-induced decoherence of molecular spins.


D. Quantum metrology. Activities include: graphene quantum Hall resistance standards; strain engineering to achieve Landau quantization even in the absence of a large magnetic field; hybrid superconductor/normal metal coherent devices for new current standards, metrologically relevant nonclassical states in molecular nanomagnets.


Some of the main efforts planned for 2017-2019 can be read by clicking on the titles.

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