Researcher Marco Polini among founding members of new journal <strong>2D materials</strong>  

Pisa - 19.09.2013 - Researcher Marco Polini among founding members of new journal 2D materials
As a leading figure in the field of graphene and related layered materials, and with an outstanding international reputation in the community, Marco Polini has been invited to join the Editorial Board on a new IOP journal, 2D Materials, as a founding member (for an initial period extending to 31 December 2016).

Subject coverage. 2D Materials is a multidisciplinary journal devoted to publishing original research of the highest quality and impact covering all aspects of two-dimensional materials, including fundamental properties, novel applications and synthesis/fabrication techniques. Specific materials of interest include (but are not limited to):
Silicene and germanene/silicane and germanane
Boron nitride
Transition metal dichalcogenides
2D topological insulators
Complex oxides
Composite materials
Other novel 2D layered structures

In addition to publishing Letters that report urgent breakthrough results of significant importance to the field of two-dimensional materials, 2D Materials also publishes Perspectives and invited-only Topical Reviews on themes of particular current interest to the community.




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