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April 2021


Colloquia 2021: Riccardo Nifosì

11:00 - 12:00

Date and Time: Thursday 15 April 2021 - 11:00
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Speaker: Riccardo Nifosì
(NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR and Scuola Normale Superiore)

Title: Coiled coils for chloride indicators and other pursuits in protein modelling and design

Abstract: The design of proteins, i.e. finding an amino acid sequence that folds in a predetermined structure, has evolved from what was once considered an impossible task to a powerful tool for the realisation of protein architectures with novel structures and functions. Here I will present my recent work on the design of a protein domain which undergoes conformational transitions upon chloride binding. Starting from existing trimers of ɑ helices (so called coiled coils) with Cl- binding sites at their interface, putative sequences of monomeric three ɑ-helix bundles were found using established protein design tools (Rosetta). The folding landscape and the stability of the most promising sequences were analysed based on protein-structure prediction methods and extensive molecular dynamics simulations. The availability of such Cl--sensitive domains could be exploited for engineering novel fluorescence-based reporters of Cl- concentration inside cells and tissues, by genetically fusing the designed sequences to suitably re-arranged fluorescent protein genes (such as in the Cameleon and GCaMP families of Ca2+sensors).

For information, please contact:
Fabio Taddei (9038) -
Stefan Heun (9472) -

FIM-S3 SEMINAR - Prof Alberto Morpurgo

15:00 - 16:00

Date and Time: April 15th, 2021 - 15:00
Link (Google Meet):

Speaker: Prof Alberto Morpurgo - University of Geneva, Switzerland

Title: Magnetic 2D materials

Abstract: The first 2D magnetic material in which ferromagnetism has been shown experimentally to persist down to individual monolayers has been reported less than three years ago.
Since then a number of different experiments have been performed on atomically thin magnets of different types, and led to interesting observations (giant tunneling magneto resistance, gate-tuning of the magnetic state, strong exchange bias at van der Waals interfaces, etc.).

In my talk I will give a short introduction to this rapidly evolving domain of research, and discuss results obtained in my group on atomically thin multilayers of materials such as CrI3, CrCl3 (layered antiferromagnets) and MnPS3 (antiferromagnetic within individual layers).
Most of our experiments focus on investigations of the magnetic properties of atomically thin crystals of these materials by using them to form tunnel barriers and by measuring their tunneling magnetoresistance.
As I will show, tunneling magnetoresistance allows tracing the boundaries between different magnetic phases, and it can therefore be used to establish magnetic phase diagrams.
Specific phenomena that I will discuss include the observation of a giant tunneling magnetoresistance in CrI3, a complete analysis of the magnetic phases of multilayers of CrCl3 as a function of thickness, magnetic field and temperature, and the observation of a spin-flop transition in MnPS3 persisting to the ultimate thickness of an individual monolayer.

Host: Marco Gibertini (FIM, UNIMORE) and Claudia Cardoso (S3, CNR-NANO)

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