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March 2021

Colloquia 2021: Andrea Iorio

Date and Time: March 18, 2021 - 11.00 am

Venue: In streaming at:
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Speaker: Andrea Iorio (NEST, Scuola Normale Superiore and Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR)

Title: Heat rectification in coupled qubits system

The recent development of quantum technologies brought an increasing interest in the experimental and theoretical investigation of heat transport at the nanoscale. In this context, the emerging new field of superconducting circuit quantum thermodynamics (cQTD) offers the potential to study quantum heat transport with remarkable control and precision. In this talk I will discuss the state of the art of the field and present a recent theoretical proposal of a quantum heat diode based on two interacting flux qubits asymmetrically coupled to two heat baths. We exploit quantum correlations between the two qubits to enhance the rectification of thermal currents, which otherwise would be constrained by the coupling to the baths and by their temperatures. Our analysis can be easily adapted to different kinds of superconducting qubits and coupling schemes, and emphasize how phase coherence and entanglement could potentially lead to quantum advantages in the context of thermal transport.

For information, please contact:
Fabio Taddei (9038) -
Stefan Heun (9472) -

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