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January 2019

NANO COLLOQUIA 2019 Paolo A. Erdman

Date and Time: Thursday 17 January 2019 - 11:00
Venue: NEST Seminar Room, Third Floor, Physics Building, FIM Department

Speaker: Paolo A. Erdman (SNS, NEST, NANO-CNR)

Title: Optimal probabilistic work extraction beyond the free energy difference

Abstract:We experimentally realize protocols that allow to extract work beyond the free energy difference from a single electron transistor at the single thermodynamic trajectory level. With two carefully designed out-of-equilibrium driving cycles featuring kicks of the control parameter, we demonstrate work extraction up to large fractions of kBT or with probabilities greater than 1/2, despite zero free energy difference over the cycle. Our results are explained in the framework of nonequilibrium fluctuation relations. We thus show that irreversibility can be used as a resource for optimal work extraction even in the absence of feedback, unlike in a traditional Maxwell’s Demon.

For information, please contact:
Fabio Taddei (9038) -
Stefan Heun (9472) -

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